
xls-fo fop 0.94 Using the keep-together with wrap-option="wrap"

In xls-fo fop 0.94 Using the keep-together along with with wrap-option="wrap" ignores the wrap option ? Is there a way to make them both work? <fo:table-row border="1pt solid black" keep-together="always"> <fo:table-cell> <fo:block overflow="scroll" wrap-option="wrap"> This is a long text It is desired t...

XSL-FO Processor for C/C++

Hi, Does anyone know about the processor for XSL-FO based on C/C++ for Windows XP and for free? My product is based on c++ and I don't want to use Apache's FOP so that I don't have to bundle JVM with my product. I could find commercial ones but I need a free one. Someone can help me with this. ...

How to change the footer image in each page of xsl-fo according to certain condition

Is there a way to change the footer image in each page of xsl-fo according to certain condition? ...

Adding relative path for an external graphic in a XSL document?

Hi, first of, I don't know much about XSL. I am using a app called DITA to generate pdfs. One of the things it requires is an overwrite of an xsl file; to add custom styling. I am trying to add an external graphic using a relative path. It doesn't work, unless I supply the full path. Does not work: <fo:block text-align="center" width...

Generating a file path with double quotes in XSL-FO

Hi, I have an XML in the form <root> <image> C:/images/image1.jpg </image> </root> Now i need to use this path (C:/images/image1.jpg) in my XSL-FO in such a way that it looks like, <fo:external-graphic src="C:/images/image1.jpg" /> How i can achieve that in my XSL-FO using the path from XML?? ...

xsl-fo making a line of asterisks

I'm working on an xsl:fo document, but I ran across across I'm not sure how to do (hence the question). Normally, when I want to make a horizontal line across the page, I use: <fo:block space-after.optimum="2pt"> <fo:leader leader-length="6.75in" leader-pattern="rule"/> </fo:block> But instead of a regular line, I need a line of ...

How to embed HTML produced by C# code in XSL?

I have XSLT that creates HTML from XML. There are several parts of the resulting HTML that I need to create by external C# method (extension method). How do I embed this C# method into XSLT (within what xsl nodes? I do know how to use common extension functions inside XSLT) What should my C# function return? HTML-formatted string? Wi...

Covert word document to XSL-FO using Java

I am trying to covert a word document to pdf using java. 'word to XSL-FO to pdf' is the approach i am looking at. In this approach to do 'word to XSL-FO', is there any open source api available? or can you please guide me with steps for implementing it? ...

Displaying SVG using XSLFO

Hi, StackOverflow, First question from me; I'm currently fixing a graphing service that uses XSLFO to convert our syntax to FO, and converting it to PDF in the end. Previously we've been using PNG graphs from the web in the PDF exports, but this creates really ugly results, so we've decided to go with SVG for PDF instead. However, the...

Convert scientific notation into double with XSLT(FO)

Hello, the XML i would like to transform contains something like 7.3248378E7, which is not supported natively by the XSL-FO processor (ends up in NaN in the PDF file). Is there a nice way (which is the opposite of a dirty hack) to convert this number format? Thanks a lot. ...

Is there a tool that creates xsl:fo from xsl so it will be the same output ?

Hello all Is there any tool that takes xsl file and converting it to the same xsl:fo ? I have html file that is converted from xsl+xsl and now I like to take the xsl and to create xsl:fo For fop and I really don’t want to write xsl:fo now ...

what is benefit of using Antennahouse over Apache FOP?

I would like to know the difference and additional features in Antennahouse over Apache FOP. ...

Is there a XSL-FO renderer which supports <fo:table table-layout="auto"> ?

I'm using Pandoc to convert Markdown to Docbook, doing stuff to it then rendering the Docbook to XSL-FO using Apache FOP. Unfortunately, Pandoc makes tables with table-layout="auto" and FOP only supports table-layout="fixed". Is there a XSL-FO renderer which does support table-layout="auto"? ...

XSL-FO: Static content AND Flow content in Region-Body: Possible?

I have the following problem: I need to use XSLFO to generate a 2-column multipage document. Problem is: I need to have a vertical line between the 2 columns. Since XSLFO does not seem to specify a option for creating such a divider, I need to manually put it there. I was thinking of using a static rotated blockcontainer with a leader ...

Does anybody know of a XSL-FO Rendering WebService?

I am looking for a XSL-FO Rendering webservice. FOP does not fit our needs, and commercial server versions currently are too expensive. So I was wondering, are there webservices available that render your FO document for a cost/page or something? ...

Square Bullet in XSL-FO

I am attempting to create a list in XSL-FO using a square bracket. I have been able to get it working using the standard unicode bullet character (&#8226;) but I just can't seem to get it working for square brackets. I have tried using &#9632;, but that does not seem to work. It is important that i can get the square bullets working bec...

Available alternative libraries in java to generate PDF documents

I have been using XSL-FO and FOP Engine to generate PDF documents for required data. This works great, but lately I have seen some limitations in FOP especially when it comes to allowing user to enter text in a html editor which can be transformed to XSL-FO and given to FOP driver. This brought me to point to ask this large community o...

Are there Any free XSL-FO editors?

I am looking for a free WYSIWYG editor of XSL-FO. Specifically, I would like to be able to design the FO file through a visual editor. I am aware of some that are available for purchase and evaluation, however I was wondering if there are any free editors available? Thanks ...

XSL-FO: is XSL-FO dead technology and only used by niche companies?

I wanted to convert some xml to a magazine like pdf document. A lot like what Latext allows you to do however i was not able to find any new books or online tutorials on the subject. Is it worth investing in using this technology or not? Also, I looked at the Apache XSL-FO project and their last release was in august 2008. p.s. commerc...

What is the maximum number of pages tha apache fop can generate ?

Hi I was working with apache fop and when the number of pages exceeds about 130 pages ,it could not generate the pdf .... Is there any limit to page number or the length of xml file... Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at java.io.BufferedReader.(BufferedReader.java:80) ...