
Table footer not visible when I am using XSL FO to create a PDF

Pretty newbie with all this XSL: FO mallarky and I am having a hard time creating quite a complex table in a document. I have a 4 column part to the table, and I have a statement that I would like to sit in the footer of the table spaning 4 columns, but after creating a fo table-footer section, I cannot get my footer to display. I don't ...

How can I export a AFP or XSL-FO file from Jasperreport

I am using Jasperreport to generate a report, it supports pdf, word, xml, and etc. file format, but there is no afp format, if anyone have some better solution, please tell me, thank you every much. ...

How to create hyperlink within PDF (which is opened in browser) which will open in a new tab/window

Hi! I generate some PDF via XSLT transformation (FOP) from XML. The PDF file is opened in the browser. If it contains any hyperlink, that hyperlink is supposed to open in a new browser tab/window. I'm quite not sure if it is even possible. Any insights? ...

Turn rows into columns in XSL:FO

Trying to create a table where rows are turned into columns so that I can logically group the columns in XML. The XML s something like this: <root> <field name="field1"> <string>field1.row1</string> <string>field1.row2</string> <string>field1.row3</string> <string>field1.row4</string> </field> <field nam...

ApacheFOP - Blank PDF Output ?

I've been trying to transform my XML documents to PDF through Apache FOP, but the output pdf is blank. Any help to why this is occuring is greatly appreciated. The code seems to be executed without errors: C:\Users\dfh\Desktop\fop-0.20.5>fop -xml DICENTIA_SDC_SN_1_224860.xml -xsl testx sl.xsl -pdf test2.pdf [INFO] Using org.apache.xer...

How do I transform an XML-File into a FO-file using XSL?

I need to tranform a basic xml file into a FO file using xsl. The xml looks like this : <?xml version="1.0"?> <column-chart-stacked-full> <title>Provincie Antwerpen</title> <x-axis-title>Gasmeters</x-axis-title> <y-axis-title>Verbruik</y-axis-title> <clusters> <cluster number="1"> <bar> ...

Inserting a line break in a PDF generated from XSL FO using <xsl:value-of>

Hello, I am using XSL FO to generate a PDF file containing a table with information. One of these columns is a "Description" column. An example of a string that I am populating one of these Description fields with is as follows: This is an example Description.<br/>List item 1<br/>List item 2<br/>List item 3<br/>List item 4 Inside the...

Aligning an element to the right using XSL-FO, Apache FOP

Hi, I'm using XSL-FO with Apache FOP to take a sexy looking XML file and output it as a PDF, however I'm having a really basic problem trying to get a particular bit of information (the address) to be positioned from the right of the page, I can force it over to the right by increasing the left attribute, but if I change my page size, or...

Customizing DocBook XSL NS section title styling

I have "section.autolabel" set to 1 with a max.depth of 2. So, my section (sect1, sect2, sect3, ...) titles are as follows: 1. Introduction 1.1 All about it 1.2 Some more all abouts These are generated as pure text (ie: "1.1 All about it") without any formatting specifically for the numbering and the title separately. What I would li...

XSL-FO processor for PHP : transform XML to PDF

I am looking for a PHP XSL-FO processor. What I need is an alternative to Apache FOP (in the Java world), in order to convert an XML document to PDF, but I need to execute it in a PHP environment without Java support. ...

Resolve relative paths when loading XSLT files

I've updated the question below Hello, I need to do a XSL transformation using Apache FOP and I have a code like this one: //Setup FOP Fop fop = fopFactory.newFop(MimeConstants.MIME_PDF, out); //Setup Transformer Source xsltSrc = new StreamSource(new File(xslPath)); Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransform...

In Apache FOP, how do I set the font base programmatically, and still have the fonts from <directory> loaded?

I'm using Apache FOP 1.0. The code is running on different servers, so I put the fonts in each server's instance root. My plan is to set the font base programmatically (to the server instance root, plus "/fonts/"), and in my fop configuration file, set font paths relative to this font base. Here's the code snippet that makes the FopFacto...

way to convert word documnet to xsl-fo

I am using ms word 2007 , I would like to convert the word to xsl-fo ,there are some hints in the net but they do so only for renderx.Is there a tool for apache-fop ? ...

Apache FOP: zindex does not appear to be working in overlapping blocks

I am a FOP newb. I am trying to show text on top of an image by using block-container's and zindexes. The image is always on top though. If i remove the image, i can see the text, so the text is under the image. This is inside of a table cell. here is the relevant code: <fo:table-cell padding="0.000pt" text-align="left" display-align="...

Problem printing SVG using FOP renderer

Hi, I am able to preview line graph as embedded SVG in PDF o/p. The PDF is generated using FOP. The same PDF when printed to defualt printer using FOP print renderer, the graph is not displayed completely. The line of the graph is printed as filled polygon. The SVG is generated using XSLT and XML. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks,...

XSL-FO table cell padding defined globally?

Is it possible to define padding of table cells just once for a table? So far I am able to get the result just by adding the padding attribute to each cell. I am on Apache FOP 0.20.5 / XSL-FO 1.0. ...

how to have a certain fo:table-row in a fo:table be printed again when due to pagebreak following rows are carried over the next page

His, There is a table with following structure: HEADER (fo:table-header) * ROW_1 (fo:table-row) ROW_2 (fo:table-row) ROW_3 (fo:table-row) * ROW_4 (fo:table-row) ROW_5 (fo:table-row) ROW_6 (fo:table-row) Is there a way to guarantee that, should a page break split ROW_2 and ROW_3, that ROW_1 is once more pri...

generating HTML from XSL-FO using Java

I have some PDF files generated based on some XSL-FO documents and I now need this content in HTML too. I am using FOP for creating the PDF files but this does not support HTML as an output format. My question is this: Is there a Java library of some sort that can create HTML files based on XSL-FO documents, or can I do this with throwi...

Debugging Apache fop

How to debug xsl-fo layout I have a table, blocks and one image that is 1mm too far from the outer egde of all this. <fo:table-row xsl:use-attribute-sets="blue-border"> <fo:table-cell > <fo:block id="logo" xsl:use-attribute-sets="red-border"> <fo:external-graphic src="url('{$headerLogoPath}')" width="100%" cont...

Set a image url dynamically into a xsl file

Hi. I want to create an xsl file (for a xslt transformation to xsl:fo using an xml) How can I display a image whose url is stored in the xml file? I can use variables <fo:block-container top="5mm" height="20mm" left="0mm" width="75mm"> <fo:block margin-top="10mm" margin-left="50mm"> <fo:external-graphic display-align="cent...