
Eclipse PDT and .yml file, cannot open?

I am using Symphony framework and I have the default sandbox inside the Eclipse IDE. When I double click schema.yml instead of open in Eclipse it requests Windows to select a program to choose. I am a Visual Studio guy and I do not understand why it doesn't open in Eclipse, what should I do? ...

Export MySQL Workbench data model directly to Schema YML in Propel/ Symfony

Is there any plugin that directly exports MYSQL Workbench data model directly to YML for Propel consumption? ...

Propel with Schema.xml

Is it possible to generate model in Propel using Schema.xml, instead of Schema.yml? There was once upon a time when xml was used for database generation in Propel, but it had been dropped in favor of yml. I should go for yml if I were handcoding my database schema, but now since I directly export my database schema from MySQL workbench ...

Synchronize locale yml files tool in Rails

I was wondering, is it possible to synchronize with any tool or gem or w/e 2 or more yml files? eg. i have the Greek yml file called el.yml el: layout: home: "Αρχική" and the english one called en.yml en: layout: home: "Home" category: "Category" Is there any tool that based on a single yml file ie en.yml ( root ) ...

Adding sample data to database using rake for a rails engine

Hi, I am trying out Rails engines by creating a classifieds engine where users can view/post/reply to classifieds. The main application contains code for user authentication and profiles while there is an engine which I have created which will deal with the classifieds functionality. Now I want to add some sample data to the datab...

how to resolve symfony doctrine:build-schema error (Unknown relation alias table_name)

how to resolve this symfony error : C:\inetpub\wwwroot\project\trunk\preprod\signup>php symfony doctrine:build-schema --trace >> doctrine generating yaml schema from database [sfException] Unknown relation alias table_name Exception trace: at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\project\trunk\preprod\signup\lib\vendor\symfony\lib\plugins\sfDoc...

How do I generate Symfony fixtures YML from exising database data?

I was wondering if anyone knew how to generate a fixture.yml from data that is already existing in the database? As you can use the build-schema to generate a schema, is there a way to do that for data? symfony propel:build-schema ...

Saving and retrieving blobs using Propel ORM (YML, Propel and PHP question)

I am using Propel (1.4) with Symfony 1.31 (with mySQL db). I want to save save/retriev BLOB (gzipped) data to/from the database My db schema is defined in YML. Suppose the schema looks like this: demo_blobbed_object: _attributes: { phpName: MrBlobby } id: name: {type: varchar(32)} data: {type: ? } I have the following questi...

MySQL database collation and character set.

I have a mySQL database that has collation and character sets as follows: mysql> show variables like "character_set_database"; +------------------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +------------------------+-------+ | character_set_database | utf8 | +------------------------+-------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> show...

Generating data (using PHP) in a YML fixtures file

I want to generate test data for a fixture file. I wnat to generate the test data instead of having to type in hundreds of records. Assuming my schema is as shown below: foobar_department_def: _attributes: { phpName: Department } id: name: { type: varchar(64), required: true } foobar_qualification_def: ...

In Symfony how can you instantely cache the routing.yml?

I have a file located at [application]/config/routing.yml, when I change something in there, the changes aren't active. This probably has to do with the cache as when I go into that directory [cache]/[application]/prod/config the currently active file can be seen config_routing.yml.php. The lifetime of the cache is generally 86400 secon...

doctrine regenerating models from yml only the base models?

I am wondering if there is a way to handle this more elegantly. After generating the "main" models and base models from yml files the first time I have to add at the very leased an include for the base model to the "main" model like so: include_once 'generated/BaseBlog.php'; At the moment before I regenerate the models I move my chan...

How can I store HTML in a Doctrine YML fixture

I am working with a CMS-type site in Symfony 1.4 (Doctrine 1.2) and one of the things that is frustrating me is not being able to store HTML pages in YML fixtures. Instead I have to create SQL backups of the data if I want to drop and rebuild which is a bit of a pest when Symfony/Doctrine has a fantastic mechanism for doing exactly this....

How to split up the en.yml-file?

The idea would be to have one en.yml file for formtastic labels, one for hints, one for other I18n-Translations. Is that possible? ...

Can Doctrine 1.2 handle custom data type like geometry data type?

I want to create tables that contain geometry data types (Mysql spatial extension). which steps are needed to map these with Doctrine 1.2? Any idea how is the codes of yaml mapping and corresponding modal class for custom data mapping with Doctrine 1.2? Thanks. ...

Custom validation using a file

I have a user sign-up form with a registration code field (:reg_code). I have a list of valid registration codes (in a yml file, but doesn't have to be if that makes things easier). I need to check if the user enters in a valid code in the reg code field. I'm a rails/ruby newbie and have NO CLUE how to load & parse the file to check t...

How to use sfNumberValidator?

Hi, I have a problem : I try to use the sfNumberValidator, but it doesn't work. This is my validator.yml file : methods: post: [lib_modele_controle, frequence_controle, intervenant_controle, delai_alert_controle, mode_operatoire_controle] fillin: enabled: true # Active la repopulation names: delai_alert_controle: re...

Rails 3: 'The file type yml is not known' when trying to access basic _form.html.erb.

Hi folks, I'm trying to write up a very basic rails app, but any time I write up even the simplest form I get the following error: I18n::UnknownFileType in Posts#add Showing /home/john/Websites/sandbox/rails-messing/app/views/posts/_form.html.erb where line #14 raised: can not load translations from /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-head/gem...

Fatal Error with Doctrine while using generate.php

I'm working on the Doctrine tutorial at http://www.Doctrine-project.org/ and I receive a fatal error when I try to run my generate.php script which makes my models and makes tables in the database: Fatal error: Class 'BaseCharity' not found in ...\models\Charity.php on line 14 generate.php: require_once('bootstrap.php'); Doctrine_Cor...

Symfony using Doctrine and MySQL

For schema.yml to work with relations, do you have to InnoDB? Here is my schema: BuybackStatus: connection: doctrine tableName: buyback_statuses columns: id: type: integer(4) fixed: false unsigned: true primary: true autoincrement: true label: type: string() fixed: false unsi...