
Numbers in Internationalization (i18n) in rails3?

How can i use numbers in my yml files to show translations? f.e.: # de.yml profile: hair_colour: 0: "Blond" 1: "Dunkelblond" 2: "Braun" 3: "Brünett" 4: "Rot" 5: "Schwarz" 6: "Grau/meliert" 7: "Glatze" 8: "Andere" Its not working... Why? How can i fix this? ...

YML files in Symfony - can you get associative arrays more than 1 level down?

Hi, I have a load of data I want to store here: /apps/frontend/modules/builder/config/module.yml I have it looking something like: all: series_options: compact: name: Compact description: Something small. enabled: 1 large: name: Large description: Bit bigger. enabled: 0 In the actions.c...

How to use a yml file in my plugin?

Lets say my file lives in the config folder and it's called config/foo.yml. I want to write in that file something like this: development: status: developing foo: dev-bar production: status: on-air foo: prod-bar And then, I want my plugin to read this file and take the correct configuration values according to the environment...

How to retrieve all translations from yml files in Rails I18n

I'm guessing that rails stores all the parsed translations yml files in a sort of array/hash. Is there a way to access this? For example, if I've a file: en: test_string: "testing this" warning: "This is just an example Could I do something like, I18n.translations_store[:en][:test_string] ? I could parse the yml file with YAML::l...

Does django grok YML ? django not loading fixtures YML file (yml is not a known serialization)

I have successfully created my first django project. I have two apps in my project foo and foobar. I have created a folder named 'fixtures' in each of the app folders. I have NOT specified a fixtures directory in my settings.yml, so (according to the docs), django should be looking in my {app}/fixtures folder. In the {app}/fixtures fo...