
How to redirect input in cmd

How i can redirect input for following command zip file.txt i want the names to be ziped be taken from the file.txt file I tried to do zip < file.txt and it didnt worked , i work under windows . thanks ...

Zip File with PPMD Compression, Programmatically Unzip

I have a Linux Python script that needs to unzip some zip files. I was using the zipfile module. On a few of these files I'm getting: BadZipfile: Unsupported compression method 98 for file Searching around it seems these files are using Method 98 PPMD compression. I figured if python couldn't do it, I'd make a hack system call to u...

Best unzip class (to folder hierarchy) for the iPhone SDK (3.0)?

Downloading .zip file from server after in app purchase, then want to simply unpack it into the original folder hierarchy in-place (not into a new containing folder), and trash the zip if everything checks out. Feedback on how the unpacking is progressing (1/progression) to show the user would be helpful. As would clean error handling ...

[PHP] When using system to zip a directory lots of output is shown

I'm trying to write a script that allows an admin of a photo uploading system download all their photos at once. Currently I am using system('zip -r '.$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/ '.$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/images/photo-uploads'; to zip the files but this seems to echo names and locations all the files onto the page. Is th...

Issue with Zipped Streams from .Net and reading them from Java

I'm trying to zip a stream from .Net that can be read from Java code. So as input I have a byte array, which I want to compress and I'm expecting to have a binary array. I've tested with SharpZipLib and DotNetZip to the compressed byte array, but unfortunately I always get an error when trying to uncompress it using the

Making a temporary dir for unpacking a zipfile into

I have a script that's gonna check a zipfile containing a number of matching PDF+textfiles. I want to unpack or somehow read the textfiles from the zipfile and just pick out some information from the textfile to see that the file version is correct. I was looking at the tempnam function to find an equivalent to make an tempdir, but mayb...

How to close a ZipFile

I'm passing a dynamic zip file location to a def from a database. I want to unzip the file to a temp location, extract the xml report file inside, apply an xslt stylesheet, copy it as an rhtml to a view directory for rendering, and delete the temp extracted xml file. The functionality is working fine (the rhtml file is overwritten each t...

Creating a CAB file on WinCE

Hello I want to make a CAB file on a WinCE 5/6 device. The idea is that someone would run a backup script that creates the CAB file, which can then be loaded back onto the device at any point restoring settings to a previously known point. The settings are xml and custom files in various folders on the device, I am not talking specific...

How do I create an input stream from a ZipEntry

I have a class which wraps ZipEntrys, but I'm struggling to see how I could then write a method that returns an input stream from any one ZipEntry. I managed to write something that could return an array of input streams for a ZipFile, but I need a way to get an input stream from just one ZipEntry. ...

How to Pack/Encrypt/Unpack/Decrypt a bunch of files in Java?

I'm essentially trying to do the following on a Java/JSP-driven web site: User supplies a password Password is used to build a strongly-encrypted archive file (zip, or anything else) containing a text file as well as a number of binary files that are stored on the server. It's essentially a backup of the user's files and settings. Lat...

Create a file in a zip archive using stream wrapper

I want to use a zip stream wrapper in PHP to create zip file or add files in a zip archive. Here are my example : <?php echo file_get_contents('zip://'); file_put_contents('zip://', 'Trying to put some stuff here...'); echo file_get_contents('zip://'); This code gets ...

Use ZIP-archives to store NSDocument data

I noticed that Apple started using zip archives to replace document packages (folders appearing as a single file in Finder) in the iWork applications. I'm considering doing the same as I keep getting support emails related to my document packages getting corrupted when copying them to a windows fileserver. My questions is what would be ...

Any native ZIP/Packaging for .NET3.5

I am looking for Zip/Unzip operation in my .NET application. I can see plenty of third party implementations, But is there one part of .NET framework? Or let me tell you what exactly I am looking for. I may just need to package a folder and need to give a particular extension to it. ...

download multiple files as zip in php

How to download multiple files as zip in php? ...

Maven - extract /test/resources/ in /target during the Test Phase

Hi all, I've some test resources (that are specific for a particular task) zipped in /test/resources/ I want to extract the zip content to /target during the maven's Test Phase. Do you know what should I specify in the pom.xml to achieve this? Thanks ...

Gracefully convert .rar to .zip using Python

I'm currently making system call to "unrar and zip" commands. It interrupts and requires me to enter password while encounter password propected archives. Is it possible to let it run and return a "unsuccessful" value to main program on any error or password prompt? Can we natively use rarfile and zipfile library to do the job without ...

BlackBerry - Unpack Zip File

I'm developing a BlackBerry application in which I need to unpack a zip file compressed with PKZIP. The package could have one file in it, or it could have 10; it will vary in each case. I know that the BlackBerry API has native support for GZip and Zlib, although I'm pretty sure that these methods aren't going to be helpful in my case...

What Is The Best Python Zip Module To Handle Large Files?

EDIT: Specifically compression and extraction speeds. Any Suggestions? Thanks ...

Download multiple files as a zip folder using php

Hai guys, I want to make my user select any type of files listed and make them as a zip folder and download it... The files may be .doc,.jpeg,.ppt.... ...

Where is Problem in my code to upload a file to server from windows mobile

Hi, i have problem of uploading zip file ot server from my windows mobile.. in server the .zip file is getting created,if i open file its telling unable to open and its corrupted here is code HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uploadUrl); req.Method = "PUT"; req.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = true; ...