
How to zip specified folders with Command Line

Could you people tell me how to zip specified files into same Zip file. Let me tell how my folders are filled : A task scheduler have backups of my databases and save them into a file daily. It creates 4 database backup daily which means there will be 4 more files daily. So I need to zip newly created backups into same zip file (of cou...

How do I uncompress/unzip within Emacs

Hi, I would like to run unzip (or even zip) within dired or a dired-like buffer. Is there anything like this? I would like something similar as in the Nautilus file manager: i.e., selecting files and then pressing a keystroke to get these files into a new archive file. Thank you ...

Creating and serving zipped files with php

Hi everyone. I'm trying to use the following code to create a zip file from a directory and serve it to the user via an http download: // write the file file_put_contents($path . "/index.html", $output); // zip up the contents chdir($path); exec("zip -r {$course->name} ./"); $filename = "{$course->name}.zip"; header('Content-Type: ...

Why is my .zip file corrupted after an HTTP file upload?

I'm trying to use a CGI script to accept and save a file from a program that is using an HTTP POST to send a zip file. In the MIME section of the HTTP header it looks something like this: Content-Disposition: form-data; name="el_upload_file_0"; filename="";\r\n Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n In my CGI cod...

Where can I learn about text compression in Java?

Where can I learn about text compression in Java? What classes would be used, and how would I use them? ...

How can I protect myself from a zip bomb?

I just read about zip bombs, i.e. zip files that contain very large amount of highly compressible data (00000000000000000...). When opened they fill the server's disk. How can I detect a zip file is a zip bomb before unzipping it? UPDATE Can you tell me how is this done in Python or Java? ...

Self-extracting web environment

Hi, Basically I have two applications: a PHP web application that runs over Apache and Mysql a ruby application that has been built with gem dependencies What I would like to be able to create is a self extracting archive; once all the files have been extracted into any directory, my users can just click two bat files: the first o...

How to make a .net application which is also a zip file?

I know this can be done. Can you show how to create a .net exe which also can be opened as a zip file with any zip file browser? ...

iPhone SDK - Adding zipped content in resources and then unzipping into Documents folder

Hi, I have some resources (zipped) that needs to be shipped with my iphone application. When the app launches for the first time, this zipped file needs to be moved/copied to the Documents folder and unzip it there. User can then add more files to this path from the application. Can someone please suggest how can I achieve this? Thanks...

Building a zip compressor/decompressor to refine C skills

I want to refine my C skills and have been thinking of trying to write my own zip and unzip program. This seems hit on a lot of areas, CPU/HDD/Memory. Where do I start? Is there a flow chart of what to do to compress and uncompress? Is it too complicated for this type of project? A good book that steps through all the steps to take or ...

Creating Batch File to Back Up Specified Folder

I am actually pretty new to this batch file thing. I know it's important to know at least the basic commands. Could somebody help me figure out how to do the following? Zipping a specified folder. Move the folder to another place. When zipping it, the zip file name will be the current date and if there is another zipped file with the ...

What is the byte signature of a password-protected ZIP file?

I've read that ZIP files start with the following bytes: 50 4B 03 04 Reference: Question: Is there a certain sequence of bytes that indicate a ZIP file has been password-protected? ...

Maven creating flat zip assembly

To Maven gurus out there: I'm trying to package non-java project artifacts (.NET) into a single zip file. I'm having 2 problems: If I change packaging in my POM to zip <packaging>zip</packaging>, I get this error message: [INFO] Cannot find lifecycle mapping for packaging: 'zip'. Component descriptor cannot be found in the component rep...

ZipFile inside a ZipFile

Hello All, I have a zip file which can contain any number of zipfiles inside it (recursively also). I need to iterate over all of them. Right now, i have a function which takes zipInputStream and zipFile as parameters. The problem is; if i get a zip inside another zip, i am calling this function recursively again. So i dont know how to...

How to create ZIP files with specific encoding

Hello, On my Linux server I have some files with accented names (test-éàïù.zip). When I add them to a new ZIP file using 7zip command-line tool, the charset/encoding information is not saved and when opened on a Windows computer, the archive does not correctly display filenames. I know that 7zip creates Zip V1.0 archives, not 2.0. Maybe...

PHP library that can list contents of zip / rar files

Note: I NEED A LIBRARY not links to documentation about extensions my host doesn't have or want installed. The subject says it all. I don't need to extract any files for the moment (although that might be a nice addition to my web app later) I just need to list the contents of rar and zip archives. ...

How do I dynamically create a zip file using PHP on Linux?

I need my PHP script (running on a Linux server) to dynamically create a downloadable zip. Presently my script is working locally on my Windows server, but not on Linux. If anyone can help me out with sample script, your help would be much appreciated. ...

Zip File .Net Framework 1.1

How Can We Zip A File In .Net Framework 1.1 Without Use Any Third Party Control... ...

PHP: how to open a zip

Hello, is there an easy way to open and create a zip with PHP? ...

extracting contents of ZipFile entries when read from byte[] (Java)

I have a zip file whose contents are presented as byte[] but the original file object is not accessible. I want to read the contents of each of the entries. I am able to create a ZipInputStream from a ByteArrayInputStream of the bytes and can read the entries and their names. However I cannot see an easy way to extract the contents of ea...