
Android: is it possible to add ZIP file as a raw resource and read it with ZipFile?

Is it possible to add ZIP file to APK package as a raw resource and read it with ZipFile class? It looks like it's trivial to open file from SD card, but not from APK. ...

How do you specify filenames within a zip when creating it on the command line from a pipe?

I'm trying to create a zip file from file contents which are being piped in, e.g. mysql [params and query] | zip -q - This writes the zip correctly, but when you open the zip, the file within it is called "-". Is there any way of specifying what the filename of the piped in data should be within the zip? ...

PHP Form - download to zip

I have the following form: <form action="download.php" method="get"> <input type="checkbox" name="file1" /> File1 <br/> <input type="checkbox" name="file2" /> File2 <br/> <input type="checkbox" name="file3" /> File3 <br/> <input type="checkbox" name="file4" /> File4 <br/> <input type="checkbox" name="file5" /> File5 <br/> <input type="...

Linux: Adding named files to a zip archive, from a pipe

Is it possible to use something like: command.exe | zip >> command2.exe | zip >> ...and end up with two named files inside one zip archive. This way, if at all possible, would be neater than having temp files. ...

How to create full compressed tar file using Python?

how can I create a .tar.gz file which compress the data as much tar can... ...

Read a zipped xml with .NET

Hi! The case: there is a large zipped xml file which need to be parsed by a .NET program. The main issue is the too big size of the file so it can not be loaded fully in the memory and unzipped. The file need to be read part by part in a way that after unzipping this parts they are "consistent". If a part includes only half of a node i...

Is there a library or tool for zipping numerous files

I've downloaded ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib and DotNetZip. I'm zipping over 100 files at a time varying a meg to 4 megs. When I use ICSharpCode I get a 'ContextSwitchDeadlock' error. DotNetZip fails on the finalizing of the file every time. Also, I'm working on sharepoint folders (mapped to my local drive) private bool zipall() //ICShar...

Haskell: Zipping a list xs with every list in the list yss using partial applications and

Hey I'm just revising for my functional programming exam coming up on friday and I'm just working through exercises given by our lecturer. I've come across one which I neep a bit of help on: 6. a) Write a function that zips a given list xs with every list in a list yss of lists. Use partial applications and lambda expressions to the gre...

How to remove zip compression from an XML file?

I have an XML file format .zfo that is compressed using zip algorithm. I need to remove this compression from the file, so that it is in usable XML form. How can I remove this compression, or decompress this XML file? Its not like you might imagine i.e: .zip file containing an xml file. Instead the byte[] thats written to the file is ...

how to zip by exec command line through php

Hello, I have a ubuntu server. How can I zip files through executing a command line to zip from my php script I want to zip the file because the file sizes are too big and zipping it through php will cause more load on server. Thank You. ...

PHP open zip read contents

Ok I have a little php, application or whatever that opens a zip and reads the content. But it only works SOME of the time... sometimes when I upload the .zip and try to view contents, it works and echos back each file to me, but some other times ( yes i have a lot of .zip files ), it returns these errors: Warning: zip_read() expects pa...

Zip function junk directory paths

Wow I feel silly asking this question but here goes. I'm creating a zip file by relatively specifying file locations. Here is an example of the command I'm running: zip priv/purchases/ priv/audio/5001.mp3 priv/audio/5002.mp3 When the file compresses it maintains the relative paths of the files. Thus I get a file hierarchy of: ...

Unzipping a file from InputStream and returning another InputStream in Java

I am trying to write a function which will accept an InputStream with Zip file data and would return another InputStream with unzipped data. The Zip file will only contain a single file and thus there is no requirement of creating directories, etc. I tried looking at ZipInputStream and others but I am confused by so many different type...

Logging dynamically served files in APACHE

I'm serving up Zip and PDF files on the fly via PHP using an output such as: header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$project->name .'.zip"'); echo($zipfile->zl_pack()); I can't find any reference to these downloads in my APACHE logs though. Is it not logged due to being dynamic? Do I need to actually write the file to t...

Java: how to check if a generated zip file is corrupted?

Hi, we have a piece of code which generates a zip file on our system. Everything is ok, but sometimes this zip file while opened by FilZip or WinZip is considered to be corrupted. So here is my question: how can we check programmatically if a generated zip file is corrupted? Here is the code we are using to generate our zip files: tr...

Download of .zip file runs a corrupted file php

Hello, I'm trying to force a download of a protected zip file (I don't want people to access it without logging in first. I have the function created for the login and such, but I'm running into a problem where the downloaded file is corrupting. Here's the code I have: $file='../downloads/'.$filename; header("Content-type: applicatio...

Unzip files using JavaScript

I want to display OpenOffice files, .odt and .odp at client side using a web browser. These files are zipped files. Using Ajax, I can get these files from server but these are zipped files. I have to unzip them using JavaScript, I have tried using inflate.js,, but witho...

Can I zip Response.write?

Let me explain better than what the question state. I dynamically generate a KML file from an aspx page and use routing to change the url so I can access and the download starts. I use Response.write() in the aspx page to send the data and it work flawlessly. But there is a zipped version for KML files which is KMZ an...

Turn directory into Zip with PHP

How would I turn a directory into a zip file with PHP? Thanks. ...

High performance SSIS Custom Components for Upsert

Anybody know vendor for fast upsert components in SSIS So far I found one from Pragmaticworks - TaskFactory - SSIS Tasks and components I was very impressed with Upsert, Data Clenasing, SFTP and Zip (Much faster than any other solution out there) ...