
Extracting UTF-16 encoded file from ZIP archive in Java

In the last section of the code I print what the Reader gives me. But its just bogus, where did I go wrong? public static void read_impl(File file, String targetFile) { // Create zipfile input stream FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(file); ZipInputStream zipFile = new ZipInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(stream...

How can I download and extract a zipped CSV and get the contents of CSV file into a MySQL table.

I'm trying to write a PHP script to download a zip file from a web server that contains a single CSV file and then load the contents of the extracted CSV file into an existing MySQL database table. $targetFile = 'data-' . md5(microtime()) . '.zip'; $url = ''; $out = fopen('/path/to/zip/save/folder/' . $ta...

What is the best way to read and unzip files in mobile browsers?

I want to read and unzip files in mobile browsers on iPhone and Android, what is the best possible solution. Is there a java script way, I don't want a round trip to server. I need the minimal dependency, so flash is ruled out, any other options? ...

Creating zip files in ObjectiveC for iPhone

Is it possible to create .zip files in objective C ? Any libraries available or suggestions ? ...

Unzipping zip archives with JavaScript in Firefox 3.6

I am toying with an application that will demo some Firefox 3.6 specific functionality, most of which are listed here: I want to drag a zip file in the browser, unzip it, and work with the unzipped contents. Are there any existing libraries that can do this? Does FireFox 3.6 in particular have so...

ZipPackage interaction with a shortcut

I have a folder structure containing a number of documents, as well as a shortcut link to another file in the folder structure. (essentially the file structure maps like a graph). If I zip up these files in Windows, the shortcut will point to the right file when the archive is uncompressed somewhere else. Now, I want to be able to do ...

How to Zip/Unzip Files in SSIS - Need Compression Task

Hi anyone can suggest best Zip/Unzip Task for SSIS. We want to zip several GB files. I just found a product called TaskFactory looks very promising but wondering if anyone used it Thanks ...

Add a folder having files into a zip file using JAVA

I am using java's api to add files and folders to a zip file, but when i add multiple files into the same folder, it deleted the old contents. Is there any way i can add files into the zip file without modifying existing contents in the folder?. Kindly help, its important! This is my sample code: ZipOutputStream zip = nu...

Zip Mime Type appears unrecognised

I'm trying to return a zip file, as a stream over a browser. This works fine with other types of files (e.g. Excel files) but when I start dealing with zip files I can't get my browsers to recognise that it's a zip. Both Firefox and IE running on my test machine prompt, asking what program to open the file with. Explorer is set as the d...

help me in this php code

see this i cant use that code function addFolderToZip($dir, $zipArchive, $zipdir = ''){ if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { //Add the directory $zipArchive->addEmptyDir($dir); // Loop through all the files w...

How do you zip 3 small text files and force download with Zend Framework

Is there a Zend Framework method to save content from 3 files (be they dynamically generated or actually exist) and force download as a file? Similar to this question (which didn't work for me when running from inside a controller so far, despite trying a few different ways):

Appending files to a zip file with Java

I am currently extracting the contents of a war file and then adding some new files to the directory structure and then creating a new war file. This is all done programatically from Java - but I am wondering if it wouldn't be more efficient to copy the war file and then just append the files - then I wouldn't have to wait so long as th...

OpenSource C library for live zip file processing

I'm looking for a C/C++ library that can open and read the contents of zipfiles (writing zipfiles isn't a strict requirement but would be nice). I want to be able to open a file, enumerate the files and then efficient read (unencrypted) data from the files in the zipfile. All the libraries I've found are all very WIN32 specific. I need...

Zipping .htaccess files

Hi. I zip some files on the server with kohanaphp and the archive module, all works fine but the zipped .htaccess files are gone after unzipping. Thanx for help. ...

extract specific folder in shell command using unzip

My has the following structure. OverallFolder lots of files and subfolders inside i used this unzip -d ~/public_html/demo so i end up with ~/public_html/demo/OverallFolder/my other files. How do i extract so that i end up with all my files INSIDE OverallFolder GOING DIRECTLY into ~public_html/demo? ~/publ...

ASP.NET/C#: Bundling Sets of Files, Zipping Them Up, and Sending Back to User thru Response

Let's say that I have a website where I'd like users to be able to download a certain group of files. There will be checkboxes and listboxes of options for users to choose from, so that they can select what parts they want to include and what they don't want to download. Then, they click the Download button and their browser downloads a ...

Create Zip file from stream and download it

I have a DataTable that i want to convert it to xml and then zip it, using DotNetZip. finally user can download it via Asp.Net webpage. My code in below dt.TableName = "Declaration"; MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); dt.WriteXml(stream); ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(); zipFile.AddEntry("Report.xml", "", s...

Zip and Unzip the Folders and Files Using Java

If My Application wants to zip the Resultant files(group of Files) using java in a dynamic way, what are the available options in Java? When i Browsed I have got package to use, but is there any other way where I can use it to implement? ...

PHP - Opening uploaded DOCX files with the correct MIME TYPE

I have users uploading DOCX files which I make available for download. The issues we have been experiencing is the unknown mime types of DOCX files which causes IE to open these docs as Zip files. It is running on a Windows/IIS server. Because this is a shared host, I cannot change any server settings. I was thinking that I could just...

How to extract read a zipped file ?

How can I extract a data from a zipped file uising JAVA libraries ? Is there a library that does unzipping and the I get the file and manipulate it ? ...