
How to unzip a folder and delete zipped original? (PHP)

I am creating something like eazy installer\setuper for my CMS. When user downloads .zip with my CMS and unpacks it into some folder on his php server he sees a file - install.php and a zip folder named - I need some php function to extract files from that zip file and than delete that file. (if it is possible I...

How do I enumerate the content of a zipped folder in Java?

ZipeFile file = new ZipFile(filename); ZipEntry folder = this.file.getEntry("some/path/in/zip/"); if (folder == null || !folder.isDirectory()) throw new Exception(); // now, how do I enumerate the contents of the zipped folder? ...

When I zip up my demo FlashDevelop project..why does it break?

I built an AS3 image gallery using FlashDevelop. Before I zip up the application, I can run the image gallery in my browser by simply opening the index.html for the project. Everything works perfectly. I then zip up the project as using winrar. I then unzip this newly created zip and try to load the application using th...

How to extract files from a zip file using Lua?

How do I extract files using Lua? Update: I now have the following code but it crashes every time it reaches the end of the function, but it successfully extracts all the files and puts them in the right location. require "zip" function ExtractZipAndCopyFiles(zipPath, zipFilename, destinationPath) local zfile, err =

Why is lua crashing after extracting zip files?

I have the following code but it crashes every time it reaches the end of the function, but it successfully extracts all the files and puts them in the right location. require "zip" function ExtractZipAndCopyFiles(zipPath, zipFilename, destinationPath) local zfile, err = .. zipFilename) -- iterate through each...

Remove an empty directory from a ZIP file with PHP

PHP brings a class for ZIP file manipulation. It also allows the creation of directories with addEmptyDir() and the deletion of an entry with deleteName(). But the deletion does not work on directories (empty or not). Is there any way to delete empty folders in a ZIP file (prefered is buildin PHP functionality)? ...

zip -j command, what does the -j option mean?

Wondering what is the -j option mean in the zip command. I found the explanation as following: -j Store just the name of a saved file (junk the path), and do not store directory names. By default, zip will store the full path (relative to the current path). But not quite sure what it is exact mean? Can anyone explain it using the fol...

Read and write directly from and to compressed files in C

Hi, in Java I think it is possible to cruise through jar files like they were not compressed. Is there some similar (and portable) thing in C/C++ ? I would like to import binary data into memory from a large (zipped or similar) file without decompressing to disk first and afterwards writing to disk in a compressed way. Maybe some tr...

java: how to get a string representation of a compressed byte array ?

I want to put some compressed data into a remote repository. To put data on this repository I can only use a method that take the name of the resource and its content as a String. (like data.txt + "hello world"). The repository is moking a filesystem but is not, so I can not use File directly. I want to be able to do the following: c...

AutoIt scripts runs without error but I can't see archive? - UPDATE

#include <File.au3> #include <Zip.au3> #include <Array.au3> ; bad file extensions Local $extData="ade|adp|app|asa|ashx|asp|bas|bat|cdx|cer|chm|class|cmd|com|cpl|crt|csh|der|exe|fxp|gadget|hlp|hta|htr|htw|ida|idc|idq|ins|isp|its|jse|ksh|lnk|mad|maf|mag|mam|maq|mar|mas|mat|mau|mav|maw|mda|mdb|mde|mdt|mdw|mdz|msc|msh|msh1|msh1xml|msh2|msh2...

Ruby / rubyzip alternative capable of handling rar/tar/zip/7z?

I was wondering if anyone knows of rubyzip alternatives for Ruby, that can handle various formats in particular zip / rar / 7z? I know of libarchive, but it's not complete for my purposes ( it's a good gem thou). (To clarify, libarchive - won't work for me - cause I need to be able to run in on Windows. ( Yeah I know sucks to be me)) ...

How to write multiple files from one NSData object?

Hi there! I'm writing an iPhone app that includes in-app purchasing. It downloads a zip file, then I unzip the file using the popular NSData category (zlibDeflate) which outputs the uncompressed file into an NSData object. The zip file contains multiple files in it which I need to write to the Documents directory. How can I write each fi...

jRuby Zip out of Memory

We have a small utility that finds unused items on our server and zips them up then moves them this is written in jRuby. When we go to run this on the actual servers needing clean up they run out of memory before they can complete the operation of the clean up. The java memory is as high as we can get it to run stably on 32bit and we can...

How to create a .BAT file to download and unpack a zip file?

How to create a .BAT file to download and unpack a zip file from HTTP server? We have links like and absolute folder link like C:\Users\UserName\Some mixed Русский English Adress\ if files from zip exist in directory owerrite them. using only native windows (xp vista win7 etc) BAT functions and files. C...

Is it possible to unzip .ZIP file using .BAT command on Windows XP?

Is it possible to unzip .ZIP file using .BAT command on Windows XP? we have how to create a .BAT commands file to unzip\unpack it to some folder. USING ONLY NATIVE WINDOWS XP programms and commands. So.. How to do such thing? (code example, please) ...

Why doesn't luazip extract files when called from c++ application?

I have a c++ application that interfaces with lua files. I have a lua file that extracts zip files, which works when I run it using SciTe or the Lua command line. But when I try to run it from a c++ application it doesn't seem to work. require "zip" function ExtractZipFiles(zipFilename, destinationPath) zipFile, err =

iPhone: Compressing .app files in command line (Mac OS X) removes CodeSigning

I am trying to do a simple build automation of my iPhone apps with TeamCity, but having this nagging issue.. When I manually pickup and install .app file from the build folder it works great (syncs smoothly with iTunes and I can see the app on my phone) But when I try to zip this with /bin/zip or ditto...then the zipped contents loose ...

Ubuntu's file-roller problem 5010. "Cannot open display"

Hello everybody! I use "file-roller" to manage with archieves on my Ubuntu. But it fails on running without user interface(just teminal). The error is shown below. ** (file-roller:5453): CRITICAL **: Failed to parse arguments: Cannot open display: How can I prevent file-roller from using GUI or can you recommend me any other archieve...

Batch file to Zip using only whats available to user

I am trying to write a script that I can give to user to have it automatically zip certain files of theirs and then load them onto an ftp site. Anyone know where I could find information on writing a batch file for auto-zipping files using only what is available to a user running windows? I have been looking for quite a bit but I am st...

how to import a 'zip' file to my .py ..

when i use , i find : import tweepy in the appengine\oauth_example\ but i can't find a tweepy file or tweepy's 'py' file, except a file, i don't think this is right,cauz i never import a zip file, i find this in import sys sys.path.insert(0, '