+3  A: 

You may be able to add the UIImageView as a subview of the main window directly instead of the UIImagePicker, it may work better. Just make sure to add them in the right order, or call

[window bringSubviewToFront:imageView];

after the camera is up.

If you want to handle touches on the UIImageView you could just add the UIImageView as a subview of a normal fullscreen View with a transparent background, and add that to the window instead, with a normal UIViewController subclass that you can use to handle the touch events.

Ed Marty

AFAIK it is not possible at all.

Valerii Hiora
+7  A: 

This tutorial explains it: http://www.musicalgeometry.com/archives/821

Just add a UIImage in the overlay view instead of the red area shown in the tutorial.

+1, this is now clearly the better answer. If I'm not mistaken, cameraOverlayView was added in the 3.1 SDK.

how to create a dynamic layer over camera..??.....suppose i have 3 images.. 1 is on camera screen..other 2 are outside camera screen.........wat i want is if i move the camera then i want to see the images those are present outside......

Please help
