I'm using a provided .pro
file and for some reason, it's configured so that the debug libraries do not have "d" appended to their library name. What causes this and how do I restore it?
E.g. QtGui4.dll
(release) and QtGuid4.dll
I'm using a provided .pro
file and for some reason, it's configured so that the debug libraries do not have "d" appended to their library name. What causes this and how do I restore it?
E.g. QtGui4.dll
(release) and QtGuid4.dll
In your .pro file, add debug
to the CONFIG
CONFIG += qt debug
See: http://doc.qtsoftware.com/4.5/qmake-tutorial.html#making-an-application-debuggable
Add this to the .pro file and it will append _debug for mac and a d for windows debug build.
CONFIG += debug_and_release
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
mac: TARGET = $$join(TARGET,,,_debug)
win32: TARGET = $$join(TARGET,,,d)
CONFIG(xx, yy)
This function can be used to test for variables placed into the CONFIG variable
join(variablename, glue, before, after)
Joins the value of variablename with glue, before and after.