I am in need of the fastest hash function possible in Delphi 2009 that will create hashed values from a Unicode string that will distribute fairly randomly into buckets.
I originally started with Gabr's HashOf function from GpStringHash:
function HashOf(const key: string): cardinal;
xor edx,edx { result := 0 }
and eax,eax { test if 0 }
jz @End { skip if nil }
mov ecx,[eax-4] { ecx := string length }
jecxz @End { skip if length = 0 }
@loop: { repeat }
rol edx,2 { edx := (edx shl 2) or (edx shr 30)... }
xor dl,[eax] { ... xor Ord(key[eax]) }
inc eax { inc(eax) }
loop @loop { until ecx = 0 }
mov eax,edx { result := eax }
end; { HashOf }
But I found that this did not produce good numbers from Unicode strings. I noted that Gabr's routines have not been updated to Delphi 2009.
Then I discovered HashNameMBCS in SysUtils of Delphi 2009 and translated it to this simple function (where "string" is a Delphi 2009 Unicode string):
function HashOf(const key: string): cardinal;
I: integer;
Result := 0;
for I := 1 to length(key) do
Result := (Result shl 5) or (Result shr 27);
Result := Result xor Cardinal(key[I]);
end; { HashOf }
I thought this was pretty good until I looked at the CPU window and saw the assembler code it generated:
Process.pas.1649: Result := 0;
0048DEA8 33DB xor ebx,ebx
Process.pas.1650: for I := 1 to length(key) do begin
0048DEAA 8BC6 mov eax,esi
0048DEAC E89734F7FF call $00401348
0048DEB1 85C0 test eax,eax
0048DEB3 7E1C jle $0048ded1
0048DEB5 BA01000000 mov edx,$00000001
Process.pas.1651: Result := (Result shl 5) or (Result shr 27);
0048DEBA 8BCB mov ecx,ebx
0048DEBC C1E105 shl ecx,$05
0048DEBF C1EB1B shr ebx,$1b
0048DEC2 0BCB or ecx,ebx
0048DEC4 8BD9 mov ebx,ecx
Process.pas.1652: Result := Result xor Cardinal(key[I]);
0048DEC6 0FB74C56FE movzx ecx,[esi+edx*2-$02]
0048DECB 33D9 xor ebx,ecx
Process.pas.1653: end;
0048DECD 42 inc edx
Process.pas.1650: for I := 1 to length(key) do begin
0048DECE 48 dec eax
0048DECF 75E9 jnz $0048deba
Process.pas.1654: end; { HashOf }
0048DED1 8BC3 mov eax,ebx
This seems to contain quite a bit more assembler code than Gabr's code.
Speed is of the essence. Is there anything I can do to improve either the pascal code I wrote or the assembler that my code generated?
I finally went with the HashOf function based on SysUtils.HashNameMBCS. It seems to give a good hash distribution for Unicode strings, and appears to be quite fast.
Yes, there is a lot of assembler code generated, but the Delphi code that generates it is so simple and uses only bit-shift operations, so it's hard to believe it wouldn't be fast.