+2  A: 

All Magento models have a "getData" method available, which will return an php-array of key/value pairs. Try this at the top of your grouped.phtml file (after $_product is defined)


You should see output that looks something like the following.

 [store_id] => 1
 [entity_id] => 3437
 [entity_type_id] => 4
 [attribute_set_id] => 27
 [type_id] => grouped
 [sku] => 
 [category_ids] => 
 [created_at] => 2009-04-16 03:37:51

So, you can grab an array of properties and just pull the key out. You could also use Magento's convenience/magic getX and setX methods. On all Magento models, you can access any property in the data array by calling a method based on the camel case version of the name,

$created_at = $_product->getCreatedAt();

So, whatever your custom attribute name is, you should be able to get at it using the above, and if you're not sure just print_r or var_dump the contents of the array returned by getData().

Finally, if the custom attribute is on one of the related products simple product, you'll wants something more like

Alan Storm
I can't seem to get custom attributes with the code above. I'm I doing something wrong? I have a custom category called "product_type" and I would like to show it's value on the grouped.phtml page.
How are you creating the product object?
Alan Storm

You will find a easy solution to this by using a plugin for magento by Magento Mechanics. You will find it on there company site here: http://magentomechanics.com/product-file-uploader-v2.html

Magento Mechanics

hey nice post but not work for me i want to show sku for each grouped product can you pls. tell me hot to do fix this thanks


From ver. 1.3. and in 1.4 too you must use $_item not $_product, for me this works fine in groupable table too.

Example: getAttributeText('your attribute');?>

Vexcor Systems

this works great for me with grouped products!

edit: I want to step a little further. Is it possible to get all Attributes(and labels) from a specific Attributeset? It seems like all static Attributes such as SKU and set Attributes are mixed in one array. In addition if a backend user adds some attributes of diffrent types I need them to show up in the frontend automaticly including its corresponding label.

i would be glad for every help.
