
I may be wrong, but does having a timeout of 0 for the select call makes sense? I would try to increase the timeout value.

Martin Cote
Doesn't change anything to increase it (tried up to 500 usecs)
+1  A: 

You have two if's; removing which one makes it work?

Doesn't fgets() wait for a newline, buffer full, or EOF before it returns? I don't see you writing a newline, "foo" doesn't fill the buffer, and since the stream isn't closed, does it see an EOF?

The first if and yes, the write I've supplied here didn't reflect what I have in code, just changed that.

I remember there being a lot of argument about the semantics and operation of select() and a couple of replacements for it. You might look at those.

How is the stream you're reading being created/opened? Is it a buffered stream? Perhaps you get nothing because it's not been written to the stream until the writing process flushes it?

The other thing you might try is putting it on a thread with blocking I/O instead of polling.

Good luck with it


Turns out its not the QCoreApplication as I could now reproduce the problem twice with out. Seems like the problem is the fgets() that I'm using, replacing that with read() fixes it.


is the below inside the while loop, if not it should be.

FD_ZERO ( &fds );
FD_SET ( 0, &fds );

struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = 0;

if the answer for my first question is yes, then please try this timeout

tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = 1;

if the above doest work, try this

while(fgets(buf, sizeof ( buf ) - 1, stdin) !=NULL) { }
