Hi, I want to hash a char array in to an int or a long. The resulting value has to adhere to a given precision value. The function I've been using is given below:
int GetHash(const char* zKey, int iPrecision /*= 6*/)
/////FROM : http://courses.cs.vt.edu/~cs2604/spring02/Projects/4/elfhash.cpp
unsigned long h = 0;
long M = pow(10, iPrecision);
h = (h << 4) + *zKey++;
unsigned long g = h & 0xF0000000L;
if (g) h ^= g >> 24;
h &= ~g;
return (int) (h % M);
The string to be hashed is similar to "SAEUI1210.00000010_1".
However, this produces duplicate values in some cases. Are there any good alternatives which wouldn't duplicate the same hash for different string values.