


+2  A: 

The alpha shapes technique mentioned in this question handles a general set of points where the vertex connections are not known:

However, since you already know "face" information which can be preserved through the projection, it is probably not the best approach.

A brute force algorithm might feasible, especially if spatial sorting structures where used. eg for each facet:

  1. Project facet on to the plane
  2. Check if projected facet is completely enclosed by existing geometry, if yes: done (no need to expand projected silhouette)
  3. If points fall outside the existing geometry, do triangle-triangle intersections to determine which portions fall outside, build an arbitrary n-gon (possibly concave) to fill the missing space, then chop the n-gon in to triangles

Another idea, depending on the fidelity you require, is just shoot a bunch of rays normal from your projection plane to your original geometry. Create a 2d hit/miss and use that to determine your extents.


Is it simply a matter of projecting the xyz points into x'Y' points on the arbitrary plane and then just doing a convex hull in those coordinates?

Martin Beckett
As I replied to nsanders before he rewrote his answer. As you can see on the second image, the red edges doesn't necessarily form a convex set.
Magnus Skog
So the question is really just find the boundary edges of a mesh? Pick a midpoint on each line and do a number of edges crossed - point in polygon test with all the other triangles.
Martin Beckett
+4  A: 
  • Start with the rightmost point (the point with the biggest x coordinate)
  • Get all edges from this point
  • Follow the edge with the smallest angle to the positive x-axis, and also add it to the solution set
  • From the point reached, follow and add the edge with the smallest angle to the edge you came from
  • Repeat until you reach the original point
What happens if you project a torus on to the x-y plane? This won't get the interior "hole".
What if there are two edges both equal to the smallest angle?
Richard Inglis
Hmm... Take the shorter of the two.
Richard Inglis
No, measure the angle only in one direction, e.g. anti-clockwise.
+1  A: 

I only see answers for convex solutions, so here is mine for non-convex. (It was a little confusing what was the intention.)

Take all edges from your 2D-triangles and group them. If two edges share both endpoints, they are in the same group. All groups, with only one edge, is then a part of the shell.

Finally you can combine the shell-edges to one ring, by joining them together.
