+1  A: 
  1. Don't do what you're doing, it's against HIG

  2. Ok, ok, I'll tell you how to do it:

You're going to want to do your own cell background views. The default grouped one is not what you want.

When a tableview asks you for a cell, set its backgroundView and selectedBackgroundView to something that looks appropriate for its place in the tableview.

Usually, this means a UIImageView with the appropriate image, though you can go wild here with a custom view, but there are gotchas.

So in your case, you would do

if (indexPath.row > sectionRowCount - 1) {
    //Not the last row
    //Put in the middle background
} else {
    //Put in the end background

Then you'll want a custom table section header, but that's pretty easy.

In your case, you probably won't have to worry about when there's just one row, so that makes things even easier.

Andrew Pouliot
+1  A: 

Take a look at the tutorial here: cocoa with love basically what you need is 3 different images. One for the top row, one for the bottom, and a 3rd for the middle rows.

Yeah, that's what I was afraid of... Was hoping 3.0 had some hidden tricks for us...