I would like to form a query where an associated collection has been restricted, ideally with Hibernate Criteria or HQL, but I'd be interested in how to do this in SQL. For example, say I have a Boy class with a bidirectional one-to-many association to the Kites class. I want to get a List of the Boys whose kites' lengths are in a range.
The problem is that the HQL/Criteria I know only gets me Boy objects with a complete (unrestricted) Set of Kites, as given in these two examples (the HQL is a guess). I.e., I get the Boys who have Kites in the right range, but for each such Boy I get all of the Kites, not just the ones in the range.
select new Boy(name) from Boy b
inner join Kite on Boy.id=Kite.boyId
where b.name = "Huck" and length >= 1;
Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(Boy.class);
crit.add(Restrictions.eq("name", "Huck"))
.add(Restrictions.ge("length", new BigDecimal(1.0)));
List list = crit.list();
Right now the only way I have to get the correct Kite length Sets is to iterate through the list of Boys and for each one re-query Kites for the ones in the range. I'm hoping some SQL/HQL/Criteria wizard knows a better way. I'd prefer to get a Criteria solution because my real "Boy" constructor has quite a few arguments and it would be handy to have the initialized Boys.
My underlying database is MySQL. Do not assume that I know much about SQL or Hibernate. Thanks!