




I've developed a Windows service which tracks business events. It uses the Windows clock to timestamp events. However, the underlying clock can drift quite dramatically (e.g. losing a few seconds per minute), particularly when the CPUs are working hard. Our servers use the Windows Time Service to stay in sync with domain controllers, which uses NTP under the hood, but the sync frequency is controlled by domain policy, and in any case even syncing every minute would still allow significant drift. Are there any techniques we can use to keep the clock more stable, other than using hardware clocks?

+3  A: 

Other than resynching the clock more frequently, I don't think there is much you can do, other than to get a new motherboard, as your clock signal doesn't seem to be at the right frequency.

+1  A: 

Increase the frequency of the re-sync. If the syncs are with your own main server on your own network there's no reason not to sync every minute.

Martin Beckett
+1  A: 

Sync more often. Look at the Registry entries for the W32Time service, especially "Period". "SpecialSkew" sounds like it would help you.

+1  A: 

Clock drift may be a consequence of the temperature; maybe you could try to get temperature more constant - using better cooling perhaps? You're never going to loose drift totally, though.

Using an external clock (GPS receiver etc...), and a statistical method to relate CPU time to Absolute Time is what we use here to synch events in distributed systems.


What servers are you running? In desktops the times I've come across this are with Spread Spectrum FSB enabled, causes some issues with the interrupt timing which is what makes that clock tick. May want to see if this is an option in BIOS on one of those servers and turn it off if enabled.

Another option you have is to edit the time polling interval and make it much shorter using the following registry key, most likely you'll have to add it (note this is a DWORD value and the value is in seconds, e.g. 600 for 10min):


Here's a full workup on it: KB816042

Nick Craver
+2  A: 

You could run "w32tm /resync" in a scheduled task .bat file. This works on Windows Server 2003.

Larry Silverman

I once wrote a Delphi class to handle time resynchs. It is pasted below. Now that I see the "w32tm" command mentioned by Larry Silverman, I suspect I wasted my time.

unit TimeHandler;


  TTimeHandler = class
    FServerName : widestring;
    constructor Create(servername : widestring);
    function RemoteSystemTime : TDateTime;
    procedure SetLocalSystemTime(settotime : TDateTime);


  Windows, SysUtils, Messages;

function NetRemoteTOD(ServerName :PWideChar; var buffer :pointer) : integer; stdcall; external 'netapi32.dll';
function NetApiBufferFree(buffer : Pointer) : integer; stdcall; external 'netapi32.dll';

  //See MSDN documentation on the TIME_OF_DAY_INFO structure.
  PTime_Of_Day_Info = ^TTime_Of_Day_Info;
  TTime_Of_Day_Info = record
    ElapsedDate : integer;
    Milliseconds : integer;
    Hours : integer;
    Minutes : integer;
    Seconds : integer;
    HundredthsOfSeconds : integer;
    TimeZone : LongInt;
    TimeInterval : integer;
    Day : integer;
    Month : integer;
    Year : integer;
    DayOfWeek : integer;

constructor TTimeHandler.Create(servername: widestring);
  inherited Create;
  FServerName := servername;

function TTimeHandler.RemoteSystemTime: TDateTime;
  Buffer : pointer;
  Rek : PTime_Of_Day_Info;
  DateOnly, TimeOnly : TDateTime;
  timezone : integer;
  //if the call is successful...
  if 0 = NetRemoteTOD(PWideChar(FServerName),Buffer) then begin
    //store the time of day info in our special buffer structure
    Rek := PTime_Of_Day_Info(Buffer);

    //windows time is in GMT, so we adjust for our current time zone
    if Rek.TimeZone <> -1 then
      timezone := Rek.TimeZone div 60
      timezone := 0;

    //decode the date from integers into TDateTimes
    //assume zero milliseconds
      DateOnly := EncodeDate(Rek.Year,Rek.Month,Rek.Day);
      TimeOnly := EncodeTime(Rek.Hours,Rek.Minutes,Rek.Seconds,0);
    except on e : exception do
      raise Exception.Create(
                             'Date retrieved from server, but it was invalid!' +
                             #13#10 +

    //translate the time into a TDateTime
    //apply any time zone adjustment and return the result
    Result := DateOnly + TimeOnly - (timezone / 24);
  end  //if call was successful
  else begin
    raise Exception.Create('Time retrieval failed from "'+FServerName+'"');

  //free the data structure we created

procedure TTimeHandler.SetLocalSystemTime(settotime: TDateTime);
  SystemTime : TSystemTime;
  //tell windows that the time changed


I believe Windows Time Service only implements SNTP, which is a simplified version of NTP. A full NTP implementation takes into account the stability of your clock in deciding how often to sync.

You can get the full NTP server for Windows here.

+5  A: 

Clock ticks should be predictable, but on most PC hardware - because they're not designed for real-time systems - other I/O device interrupts have priority over the clock tick interrupt, and some drivers do extensive processing in the interrupt service routine rather than defer it to a deferred procedure call (DPC), which means the system may not be able to serve the clock tick interrupt until (sometimes) long after it was signalled.

Other factors include bus-mastering I/O controllers which steal many memory bus cycles from the CPU, causing it to be starved of memory bus bandwidth for significant periods.

As others have said, the clock-generation hardware may also vary its frequency as component values change with temperature.

Windows does allow the amount of ticks added to the real-time clock on every interrupt to be adjusted: see SetSystemTimeAdjustment. This would only work if you had a predictable clock skew, however. If the clock is only slightly off, the SNTP client ("Windows Time" service) will adjust this skew to make the clock tick slightly faster or slower to trend towards the correct time.

Mike Dimmick

I don't know if this applies, but ...

There is a bug in Java's Thread class that affects the Windows clock, because it changes the timer resolution if sleeping below 15 ms, and the Windows clock doesn't know that the resolution is being changed. (And Sun refuses to fix that.)

We actually had the clock going twice as fast because of this!

The solution is to set the time resolution yourself, to something low, and keep it there as long as possible. Use timeBeginPeriod() to control that. (We set it to 1 ms without any adverse effects.)

For those coding in Java, this can be circumvented by creating a thread that sleeps forever.

Marcus Lindblom

Since it sounds like you have a big business:

Take an old laptop or something which isn't good for much, but seems to have a more or less reliable clock, and call it the Timekeeper. The Timekeeper's only job is to, once every (say) 2 minutes, send a message to the servers telling the time. Instead of using the Windows clock for their timestamps, the servers will put down the time from the Timekeeper's last signal, plus the elapsed time since the signal. Check the Timekeeper's clock by your wristwatch once or twice a week. This should suffice.

Robert L