I have a table publication which has PublicationID, PublisherID, NameAbbrev... and this is joined to another table called AreaBuy which has an AreaBuyID field, NameAbbrev, DateCreated and CreatedBy fields. The relationship is basically that the company has signed up a group of papers (not necessarily owned by the same umbrella company) for our products. The publication and AreaBuy tables are connection via a PublicationAreaBuy table which has a 1...M...1 relationship (ingenious names right!).
My question is: I want to select a set of publications from the publication table, lets say we signed them up between the 1st day of this year up until now, but if any of those papers returned are in a AreaBuy group, I want that returned as well! The kicker is, I only want to return two columns, this would be all the publication id's and the names, so I want the AreaBuy information to be included in those two columns. So lets say I get five results in my set:
idNum | name 1 The Herald 2 L A Times 162 L A Area Buy 230 County Enquirer 2006 Illinois Post
So, the LA times is in the LA Area Buy, so that shows up as well - how do you do that? Incorporate one set of result info into another?
Sorry its a crappy explanation, R.