




What I'm looking for is basically a breakdown of the iPhone OS install base by version number. Ars Technica did it a while ago, but I'm looking for a more recent, or ideally, a regularly updated source of this kind of information.

I need this to inform my decision on target platform for my app in order to make the trade-off between the advantages of the newer APIs vs. limiting the size of the potential user base. So for example if I use the 2.2 API, what percentage of users can actually use my app? Also, with iPhone OS 3.0 just out the door, an updated study in a couple months would be very helpful.

+4  A: 

Since iTunes provides an auto-update feature, you would be better off building from OS3.0. The only exception might be that iPod Touch users will need to pay $10 for the update, and would be more likely to hold off because of the fee.

Generally Apple frowns upon using previous versions of APIs, and so you would have some issues getting development support if you don't update.

A. Scagnelli
I agree with A. Scagnelli - I would definitely write your apps for OS 3.0. Apple is pushing the update pretty hard, and the next version of the iPhone SDK and Developer Tools won't support the 2.2 OS.
Ben Gotow
+1  A: 

You can target 2.2 but you now have to test on 3.0. I wouldn't target 3.0 unless you use one of the new 3.0 features.

However, I do expect the turnover to 3.0 to be pretty quick for people who actively download apps. People who don't download apps might stick with 2.2 indefinitely, but those are probably people with a Touch who just listen to music. When I picked up my Dad's iPod Touch, I noticed he had never updated. But why target those people?


By the Apple's Terms of Service all your submissions to Apple Store must be tested under iPhone OS 3.0. Here's the link to ArsTechnica story.

ilya n.
+2  A: 

Answering my own question (for now), Ars Technica made another report based on ad service numbers from AdMob.com. At the time (June 25), only 44% of iPhone users had updated to OS 3.0. I'll try to keep the info here current when a new report surfaces.

Martin Gjaldbaek

Thanks for asking the question and the answers provided!

+3  A: 

This admob link seems germane (and evergreen) on this topic:


As of this posting, this the most recent admob data:


Clay Bridges