



So, I've got a bunch of files with no extension. I want to write a windows batch script that will:

  1. Find files with no extension (in a specified folder)
  2. Add .bla to the end of the file name

I'm such a windows batch script noob I don't even know where to start. Suggestions?

+10  A: 

For windows batch files, this will rename only files with no extension to the .bla extension:

rename *. *.bla

Notice the first argument is a star and a dot: *.

The second argument is: *.bla

The start dot (*.) combination represents files with no extensions in this context.


06/21/2009  11:57 PM                 6 test
06/21/2009  11:57 PM                 7 test.exe
06/21/2009  11:57 PM                 7 test2


06/21/2009  11:57 PM                 6 test.bla
06/21/2009  11:57 PM                 7 test.exe
06/21/2009  11:57 PM                 7 test2.bla

Additional note: The opposite commandline would rename all .bla files into no extension files.


For recursively renaming files with no extension across subdirectories (doesn't support spaces in paths):

@echo off
FOR /F %%i in ('dir /b/s/A-d') DO (
  if "%%~xi" == "" rename "%%~fi" "%%~ni.bla"


For recursively renaming files with no extension across subdirectories (supports spaces in path):

@echo off
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%i in ('dir /b/s/A-d') DO (
  if "%%~xi" == "" rename "%%~fi" "%%~ni.bla"
Wadih M.
I considered that, but there isn't even a dot at the end of the name... will this still work?
Also, how would I include subfolders?
@Alan - Yes it will work, and how many subfolders are we talking about?
I tested it, start dot represents files with no extensions.
Wadih M.
@JFV Just one level deep, but a bunch of them.
Then just use the same syntax, but define the new directory:ren *. *.blaren <path to new dir>\*. *.bla
Rather, there are a bunch of folders one level i need to figure out something that will process them all. Hmmm...
In case you're still interested... I've done an edit to recursively do that across all subfolders.
Wadih M.
Re-edited it to change "echo" to "rename"
Wadih M.
another edit for paths with spaces...
Wadih M.
Thanks a bunch, this is exactly what I needed!
+3  A: 

to do this in subdirectories use this:

 for /f %a in ('dir /b /ad /s') do rename %a\*. *.bla

if you are using this in a batch file, you need to double the '%'

 for /f %%a in ('dir /b /ad /s') do rename %%a\*. *.bla


and if you have spaces in your directory names, you can try this (batch version):

 for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in ('dir /b /ad /s') do rename "%%a\*." "*.bla"
nice! (15 char limit)
Charlie Somerville
Minor issue here - not working for directories with spaces...otherwise looking good
+1  A: 

Here's another possible command for renaming files with no extensions recursively (assuming that file paths don't contain spaces):

for /f %i in ('dir *. /b /s /a-d') do rename "%~fi" "%~ni.bla"

Batch version (with doubled %):

@echo off
for /f %%i in ('dir *. /b /s /a-d') do (
   rename "%%~fi" "%%~ni.bla"

If file or folder names contain spaces, use this command instead:

for /f "tokens=* delims= " %i in ('dir *. /b /s /a-d') do rename "%~fi" "%~ni.bla"

Batch version:

@echo off
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%i in ('dir *. /b /s /a-d') do (
   rename "%%~fi" "%%~ni.bla"

Edit: here's even shorter one-liner that supports spaces in paths:

for /r %i in (*.) do ren "%~fi" "%~ni.bla"

Batch version:

@for /r %%i in (*.) do ren "%%~fi" "%%~ni.bla"

deleted - this is a question, not an answer.
