




Is it at all possible to have a table valued function in MSSQL that takes an attribute and generates an associated SQL statement with Pivot function?

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnPivot (@EntityTypeID int)
    DECLARE @SQL varchar(MAX);
    DECLARE @COLS varchar(MAX);

    select @COLS=coalesce(@COLS+',','')+'['+Name+']'from c_EntityAttribute WHERE EntityTypeID = @EntityTypeID;

    SET @SQL = 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT EntityInstanceID, AttributeName, Value FROM v_EntityElementData WHERE EntityTypeID = 1) as s';
    SET @SQL = @SQL + 'PIVOT ( MIN(Value) FOR AttributeName IN (' + @COLS + ') ) AS p';

    RETURN EXEC sp_ExecuteSQL @SQL ;
+4  A: 

Unfortunately not, with the exception of stored procedures SQL Server keeps track of the table definition of the output of all views, functions etc. Thus the columns and types can't change dynamically on the input.

For this reason I've never found the PIVOT operator to be useful. Generally the only way to get varying column data out is to treat it as XML.

For what reason are you pivoting it? This is usually a UI concern, and so I would recommend doing it at the UI, or SSRS etc.

Joel Mansford
The issue is that the System relies on an EAV data structure, but am trying to build a dynamic reporting layer that does not require too much maintenance. Will probably return to stored procs that generate the static tables based on the EAV meta. Thanks for the quick reply.
Jan de Jager
I do similar and use the Matrix / Tablix functionality within SSRS to pivot it on render - works very neatly
Joel Mansford
+1  A: 

A table valued function must always return a specified schema, so this isn't possible.
