I have to deal with a table where there is a set of fields each followed by a second field that will hold a suggested new value until this change is confirmed.
It looks a little like this:
refID field1 newField1 field2 newField2 ...
refID is an ID value that links to a master table. One row in the master table can have n rows in my detail table. The data-types include ints, strings and dateTimes.
Now, i'm looking to have a query that tells me, given a refID, if there are any suggested changes in the detail table.
I was playing around a little with some UNION selects, with COALESCE() and ISNULL() ... but all those attempts looked a little weird at best. The DB is MS-SQL-Server 2005.
For clarification of my problem:
--this is a simplification of the details table in question
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[refID] [int] NOT NULL,
[firstName] [varchar](50) NULL,
[newFirstName] [varchar](50) NULL,
[lastName] [varchar](50) NULL,
[newLastName] [varchar](50) NULL
--here we insert a detail row ... one of many that might exist for the master table (e.g. data about the company)
insert into TEST_TABLE(refID, firstName, lastName) values(666, 'Bill', 'Ballmer')
--this is what happens when a user saves a suggested change
update TEST_TABLE SET newLastName = 'Gates' where ID = 1
--and this is what happens when this suggestion is accepted by a second user
update TEST_TABLE set lastName=newLastName, newLastName = NULL where ID = 1