I am getting the value of amount like 4567.00 , 8976.00 etc. Now while dispalying this value in displaytag i would like to print it as $4567.00 instead of just 4567.00. How can i do that? Provided i just want to use display tag. I can acheive the same thing using core:out tag.
$<core:out value="${variableInMyList}" />
Answer Found [ How i did it ]
Create a new class:
public class NumberFormatDecorator implements DisplaytagColumnDecorator{
Logger logger = MyLogger.getInstance ( );
public Object decorate(Object columnValue, PageContext pageContext, MediaTypeEnum media) throws DecoratorException {
Object colVal = columnValue;
if ( columnValue != null ){
colVal = Double.parseDouble( (String)columnValue );
return colVal;
}catch ( Exception nfe ){}
logger.error( "Unable to convert to Numeric Format");
return columnValue; // even if there is some exception return the original value
now in display tag
<displaytag:column title="Amount" property="amount" decorator="com.rj.blah.utils.decorator.NumberFormatDecorator" format="$ {0,number,0,000.00}"/>
Note: we can use the MessageFormat in format attribute of displaytag:column