
how to format currency in displaytag

I am getting the value of amount like 4567.00 , 8976.00 etc. Now while dispalying this value in displaytag i would like to print it as $4567.00 instead of just 4567.00. How can i do that? Provided i just want to use display tag. I can acheive the same thing using core:out tag. $<core:out value="${variableInMyList}" /> Answer Found ...

Replacing all the numbers with their currency format in given line of text

I want to write a Shell (AWK, Sed also fine) program to take as a input a SINGLE line of text. Which will have arbitrarily spread integer strings in it. e.g "12884 and 111933 are two numbers and 323232 is also a number" I want the output to be "12,884 and 1,11,933 are two numbers and 2,23,232 is also a number" If this was PHP a sim...

Java: Converting a double to a String

Hi! I have a double whose value is 10,000,000.00 (ten millions). I have to convert it to a String. When using the method "toString" I am getting the String "1.0E7" which is correct following the specification. Unfortunately I need the String "10,000,000.00" (or the equivalent depending on the locale). How can achieve this? Thanks in a...

excel VBA horizontal alignment problems when using NumberFormat codes

Working on a personal project, When entering a fraction into Excel, I have found that if you don't have an equals sign in front of it then Excel may treat it as a date. I have found that if the cell's format is in fractions then Excel uses it just fine. So knowing this, I went into Excel's VBA and added this to my code: ActiveCell.Nu...

Format Number like StackoverFlow (rounded to thousands with K suffix)

How to format numbers like SO with C# ? 10, 5k ... Thanks. ...

Why does .NET decimal.ToString(string) round away from zero, apparently inconsistent with the language spec?

I see that, in C#, rounding a decimal, by default, uses MidpointRounding.ToEven. This is expected, and is what the C# spec dictates. However, given the following: A decimal dVal A format string sFmt that, when passed in to dVal.ToString(sFmt), will result in a string containing a rounded version of dVal is apparent that decim...

String.Format() for floating point to display fixed number of places?

If I want to display, say, 4 decimal points, what is the correct format? ...

How to set up C++ Number Formatting to a certain precision?

Hi, I understand that you can use iomanip to set a precision flags for floats (e.g. have 2.0000 as opposed to 2.00). Is there a way possible to do this, for integers? I would like a hex number to display as 000e8a00 rather than just e8a00 or 00000000 rather than 0. Is this possible in C++, using the standard libraries? ...

How can I format numbers in C# so 12523 becomes "12K", 2323542 becomes "2M", etc?

Possible Duplicate: Format Number like StackoverFlow (rounded to thousands with K suffix) How can I format numbers in C# so 12523.57 becomes "12K", 2323542.32 becomes "2M", etc? I don't know how to append the correct number abbreviation (K, M, etc) and show the appropriate digits? So, 1000 = 1K 2123.32 = 2K 30040 = 30k ...

Java add leading zeros to a number....

I need to return a string in the form xxx-xxxx where xxx is a number and xxxx is another number, however when i have leading zeros they disappear. I'm trying number formatter, but it's not working. public String toString(){ NumberFormat nf3 = new DecimalFormat("#000"); NumberFormat nf4 = new DecimalFormat("#0000"); ...

Format a number as currency in a JTable?

Given a JTable where one of the columns contains a number, how do I display this number as a currency? I.e. 5 should display as $5.00 etc. Can this be done directly on the JTable after it has been populated with data, or do I have to do this earlier? Thanks. ...

Code-Golf: Friendly Number Abbreviator

Based on this question: Is there a way to round numbers into a friendly format? THE CHALLENGE - UPDATED! (removed hundreds abbreviation from spec) The shortest code by character count that will abbreviate an integer (no decimals). Code should include the full program. Relevant range is from 0 - 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (the upper li...

How to output integers with leading zeros in JavaScript

I can round to x amount of decimal places with math.round but is there a way to round left of the decimal? for example 5 becomes 05 if I specify 2 places ...

How to format numbers similar to Stack Overflow reputation format.

I want to convert a number into a string representation with a format similar to Stack Overflow reputation display. e.g. 999 == '999' 1000 == '1,000' 9999 == '9,999' 10000 == '10k' 10100 == '10.1k' ...

Python: How do I format a number with a variable number of digits?

Say I wanted to display the number 123 with a variable number of padded zeroes on the front. For example, if I wanted to display it in 5 digits I would have digits = 5 giving me: '00123'. If I wanted to display it in 6 digits I would have digits = 6 giving: '000123'. How would I do this in Python? ...

MVC where to format numbers?

shell i format my numbers 1234.20 => 1'234.20 in model or in view using php and codeigniter? ...

NumberFormat for list of Hashmaps<String, BigDecimal> - need different formatters to be applied depending on another member variable

I am using Spring MVC as a front-end to my Spring app. I have an object which is put into the model, which contains all of the values for my report. It looks like this: public class AggregateResultBean { private String regionName; private String countryName; private String indicatorId; @NumberFormat(pattern="#,###,###.00") priva...

how to format a number to S9(5)V99 ascii in .net

I've been searching for s9(5)v99 but got different information and not really clear. Could someone shows how or the formula to convert. thanks ...

Number Formatting in Thousands.

How, for example, do I turn the number 10562.3093 into 10,562 in C#? Also, how do I ensure that same formatter will apply correctly to all other numbers?.... ...For example 2500.32 into 2,500 Help greatly appreciated. ...

XSLT 2.0 How to change default formatting for numbers?

In XSLT 1.0 (using Xalan), outputting the result of: <xsl:variable name="source0" select="number(num3)"/> <xsl:value-of select="$source0"/> was the number spelled out as 2011234. But in XSLT 2.0 (using Saxon), it shows up as 2.011234E6. I want it to always display as 2011234 in the Saxon/2.0 case. Is there a way to set the default pi...