



I'm trying to load data from an external csv file that needs to be massaged before being inserted into a SQL table. Reading the file is fine, but when I try to loop through the stream and load an array using the SPLIT function I get a "Expected End of Statement" error.

Do While Not txtFile.AtEndOfStream

    strText = txtFile.ReadLine

    Dim dataArray() As String = Split(strText, ",")    -- Here's where it breaks


    build sql statement to insert using the zero based array

    RS.Open strSQL, dbConn, adOpenKeyset



I've looked at the BOL and MSDN, but I'm still getting the error.

+1  A: 

From memory SQL 2k DTS uses vb scripts so no types.

Dim dataArray = split(strText,",")
+2  A: 

VBScript does not support typed variables. VBScript does not support assigning a value in the Dim statement. Use:-

Dim dataArray()
dataArray = Split(strText, ",")

However having said that since this is DTS task why aren't you creating a text csv data source in the transfrom rather than manually creating VBScript code to consume the CSV.

Thanks Anthony. This worked and the "Part Duex" question I thought was something related and found out that I had not programmed the header for the CSV file correctly.