I'm trying to learn Erlang using the Karate Chop Kata. I translated the runit test supplied in the kata to an eunit test and coded up a small function to perform the task at hand.
chop_test_() -> [
?_assertMatch(-1, chop(3, [])),
?_assertMatch(-1, chop(3, [1])),
?_assertMatch(0, chop(1, [1])),
....several asserts deleted for brevity...
chop(N,L) -> chop(N,L,0);
chop(_,[]) -> -1.
chop(_, [],_) -> -1;
chop(N, L, M) ->
MidIndex = length(L) div 2,
MidPoint = lists:nth(MidIndex,L),
{Left,Right} = lists:split(MidIndex,L),
case MidPoint of
_ when MidPoint < N -> chop(N,Right,M+MidIndex);
_ when MidPoint =:= N -> M+MidIndex;
_ when MidPoint > N -> chop(N,Left,M)
Compiles ok.Running the test however gives, (amongst others) the following failure:
in function erlang:length/1
called as length(1)
in call from chop:chop/3
I've tried different permutations of declaring chop(N,[L],M) .... and using length([L]) but have not been able to resolve this issue. Any suggestions are welcome.
ps. As you might have guessed I'm a nube when it comes to Erlang.