You sure can do it with Perl. Windows controls directory icons by use of a hidden systemDekstop.ini
file in each folder. The contents looks something like this:
On Windows XP (and I assume on other systems), icon 41 is a tree. Windows requires this file be explicitly set as a system file for it to work, this means we'll need to dig down into Win32API::File
to create it:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Win32API::File qw(createFile WriteFile fileLastError CloseHandle);
my $file = createFile(
Access => 'w', # Write access
Attributes => 'hs', # Hidden system file
Create => 'tc', # Truncate/create
) or die "Can't create Desktop.ini - " . fileLastError();
"[.ShellClassInfo]\r\n" .
"IconFile=%SystemRoot%\\system32\\SHELL32.dll\r\n" .
0, [], []
) or die "Can't write Desktop.ini - " . fileLastError();
CloseHandle($file) or die "Can't close Desktop.ini - " . fileLastError();
If you run the code above, it should set the icon for the current directory to a tree. You may need to refresh your directory listing before explorer picks up the change.
Now that we have a way to change icons, we can now just walk through a whole drive and change every folder that matches our pattern. We can do this pretty easily with File::Find
, or one of its alternatives (eg, File::Find::Rule
, or File::Next
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find qw(find);
use Win32API::File qw(createFile WriteFile fileLastError CloseHandle);
my $topdir = $ARGV[0] or die "Usage: $0 path\n";
find( \&changeIcon, $topdir);
sub changeIcon {
return if not /documents$/i; # Skip non-documents folders
return if not -d; # Skip non-directories.
my $file = createFile(
Access => 'w', # Write access
Attributes => 'hs', # Hidden system file
Create => 'tc', # Truncate/create
) or die "Can't create Desktop.ini - " . fileLastError();
"[.ShellClassInfo]\r\n" .
"IconFile=%SystemRoot%\\system32\\SHELL32.dll\r\n" .
0, [], []
) or die "Can't write Desktop.ini - " . fileLastError();
CloseHandle($file) or die "Can't close Desktop.ini - " . fileLastError();
Unfortunately, I've just discovered that the icon only gets changed if the directory currently has, or once had, an icon... There's clearly an attribute that's being set on the directory itself that causes Windows to look for a Desktop.ini
file, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it is. As such, the above solution is incomplete; we also need to find and fix the attributes on the directory where we're adding the icon.