



I have made a multiplayer game using the GameKit Framework where 2 iPhones/iPods can connect to each other via bluetooth and play.

I am thinking of a way to choose which device will be able to play first. So the logical solution is to pick the host of the connection. Is there even a server and a client in the GKSession? Are they all peers? Which route shall I take to achieve what I need?

+4  A: 

Basically, it is up to you to configure your session as you like.

From the Apple documentation:

Sessions discover other peers on the network based on a session mode which is set when the session is initialized. Your application can configure the session to be a server, which advertises a service type on the network; a client, which searches for advertising servers; or a peer, which advertises like a server and searches like a client simultaneously.

A copy of your application acting as a server initializes the session by calling initWithSessionID:displayName:sessionMode: with a session mode of either GKSessionModeServer or GKSessionModePeer. After the application configures the session, it advertises the service by setting the session’s isAvailable property to YES.

A copy of your application acting as a client initializes the session by calling initWithSessionID:displayName:sessionMode: with a session mode of either GKSessionModeClient or GKSessionModePeer. After configuring the session, your application searches the network for advertising servers by setting the session’s isAvailable property to YES. If the session is configured with the GKSessionModePeer session mode it also advertises itself as a server, as described above.

Therefore, if you use GKSessionModePeer to initialize the session, you have peers (acting both as server and client). If you want to distinguish a server from its clients, initialize it with GKSessionModeServer.

Kind regards.

But since it's ONE application, in my code I will have to make a decision: Server or Client. This doesn't work though. I need to have one instance of the app as a server and one as a client.Or just find any other way to choose which player will start playing first...
In this case you need to decide, either arbitrarily or by chance (e.g., by cossing a toin) what peer will be the server. The others will be the clients.To see an actual example of this, see the Apple sample code GKTank.From the GKTank source code:// Start Multiplayer game by entering a cointoss state to determine who is server/client. self.gameState = kStateMultiplayerCointoss;The code explains how to toss the coin, and depending on the result, one of the peer serves as the client, the other is the server.
thanks for that tip! I have already implemented a "random roll" method where each device rolls and then compares its roll to the other's... It work but I will definitely have a look at GKTank.