I'm using Ultrasphinx for a fulltext search in a rails app. I encountered a very strange behavior. When I search my User model and search for q = "user" I get all the users as a result, even though some of them havent got the term "user" in any field.
What is going wrong here?
Heres my setup:
# models/user.rb
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
# Ultrasphinx searching
is_indexed :fields => ['created_at', 'name', 'about', 'login', 'website', 'location', 'total_favorited_count', 'total_votes_value', 'credibility']
# controllers/searches_controller.rb
class SearchesController < ApplicationController
# GET /leafs/search
def users
# Do the search
@search = Ultrasphinx::Search.new( :query => @search_query,
:page => (params[:page] || 1),
:weights => {'login' => 2.0, 'name' => 2.0, 'about' => 1.0, 'location' => 1.0, 'website' => 0.5},
:per_page => 20,
:class_names => ["User"], :search_mode => 'relevance' )
@users = @search.results
Terminal output
searching for {"indexes"=>"main", "class_names"=>["User"], "sort_by"=>nil, "parsed_query"=>"user", "sort_mode"=>"relevance", "filters"=>{}, "weights"=>{"name"=>2.0, "website"=>0.5, "about"=>1.0, "login"=>2.0, "location"=>1.0}, "per_page"=>20, "page"=>1, "query"=>"user", "location"=>{"units"=>"radians", "long_attribute_name"=>"lng", "lat_attribute_name"=>"lat"}, "facets"=>[]}