
Ultrashpinx: Strange issue - all entries returned when searching for model name

Hi, I'm using Ultrasphinx for a fulltext search in a rails app. I encountered a very strange behavior. When I search my User model and search for q = "user" I get all the users as a result, even though some of them havent got the term "user" in any field. What is going wrong here? Heres my setup: # models/user.rb class User < ActiveR...

Using Ruby-on-Rails, Sphinx or UltraSphinx and an HTML source (not a database)

The documentation states for sphinx-0.9.9-rc2: The data to be indexed can generally come from very different sources: SQL databases, plain text files, HTML files, mailboxes, and so on. However, I can't find any documentation on setting up a a source besides SQL. The config file doesn't seem to indicate that the source can be anything ...

Rails: How to display Umlauts / Special characters with ultrasphinx and aspell?

Hi, I'm using Ultrasphinx for fulltext search, combined with aspell to provide the user with corrections. When I use the german dictionary and enter any Umlaut (öäü) Ultrasphinx::Spell.correct(@search.query) always returns a correction, even when the word is spelled correctly. Also the Umlauts are replaced with ? in the console and ...

Problem with Ultrasphinx & Aspell & Boolean Search (spell check missbehaves...)

Hi, I'm using Ultrasphinx with Aspell spelling support to search a Rails app. I want my users to be able to search using boolean operators ("king OR queen"). I'm using the german aspell directory, since the app is for Germany. The Problem: Ultrasphinx always proposes corrections for the boolean OR ("did you mean 'king OHR queen'") whic...

Could i configure ultrasphinx relevance tiebreaker criteria?

Im using Ultrasphinx as a search engine for my site, we are using it with relevance sort-mode, so when it finds two results with same relevance, what is the tiebreaker? I want to be able to configure this tiebreaker criteria. Francisco ...

Multiple model search result sorting by date time field value

I am using ultraspinx rails plugin in a project to handle the search module. Sphinx uses more than one model for searching the content(for eg: Discussion and Comments). I need to sort the output by created at descending, which is available in both models. While searching in internet I found that we need to use the following options with...

ruby on rails - ultrasphinx

Ruby on Rails - UltraSphinx Hi guys, I'm using Ultrasphinx for the search thing. My question is : I have the "rake ultrasphinx:daemon:start" running in the background. Now, should I have a cron job that does "rake ultrasphinx:index" regularly or will the daemon take care of indexing whenever a new object is created. Please, let me kno...

Sphinx: change column set for searching in runtime

I use Ultrasphinx gem plugin as a wrapper for accessing Sphinx search daemon. My model declaration: class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base is_indexed :fields => ['content', 'private_notes', 'user_id'] Client code: filters = {} if type == "private" # search only in `content` column filters['user_id'] = current_user.id else # se...

Ultrasphinx and Rails: Completely wrong results - Why?

Hey, I'm using Ultrasphinx for searching on a Rails App. Everything seems to be working, the only thing is that the search results are not matching the search query in any way. I really don't understand this. I rebuilt my indexes and config files several times and nothing seems to work. When I perform a search for "test" I get results ...

Is it possible to use Sphinx search with dynamic conditions?

In my web app I need to perform 3 types of searching on items table with the following conditions: items.is_public = 1 (use title field for indexing) - a lot of results can be retrieved(cardinality is much higher than in other cases) items.category_id = {X} (use title + private_notes fields for indexing) - usually less than 100 results...