I have read other questions about creating a UIPickerView with two or more columns but cannot find the exact solution.
How is this done for the iPhone programmatically? How do you add static data? Thanks!
I have read other questions about creating a UIPickerView with two or more columns but cannot find the exact solution.
How is this done for the iPhone programmatically? How do you add static data? Thanks!
Make your controller (or whatever is controlling the behavior of the PickerView) support the UIPickerViewDelegate protocol. Then, implement:
- (int) numberOfColumnsInPickerView:(UIPickerView*)picker
to return the number of columns you want, and
- (int) pickerView:(UIPickerView*)picker numberOfRowsInColumn:(int)col
to return the number of rows for each column, and finally:
- (UIPickerTableCell*) pickerView:(UIPickerView*)picker tableCellForRow:(int)row inColumn:(int)col
to setup each cell.
See the reference for UIPickerView and UIPickerViewDelegate.
A decent code example is here.