I get the error below on several views. Which seems identical to what is described here in this other kss_generic_macros post. An answer is supplied, which is "*This was caused by the 2.5->3.0 migration process failing to add the plone_kss layer to a handful of our custom skins. When I went in and added plone_kss by hand to those skins, it fixed this.*"
This is only so helpful. A code sample or a real pointer as to where you add plone_kss would make this much easier to solve.
2009-06-24 15:24:28 ERROR Zope.SiteErrorLog 1245871468.060.103936823493 https://nasascience.on.my.mac/humanator-folder/what-is-six-plus-3/base_view
Traceback (innermost last):
Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 119, in publish
Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply
Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 42, in call_object
Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 313, in __call__
Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 350, in _bindAndExec
Module Products.CMFCore.FSPageTemplate, line 216, in _exec
Module Products.CacheSetup.patch_cmf, line 29, in FSPT_pt_render
Module Products.CacheSetup.patch_utils, line 9, in call_pattern
Module Products.CMFCore.FSPageTemplate, line 155, in pt_render
Module Products.CacheSetup.patch_cmf, line 77, in PT_pt_render
Module Products.CacheSetup.patch_utils, line 9, in call_pattern
Module Products.PageTemplates.PageTemplate, line 98, in pt_render
Module zope.pagetemplate.pagetemplate, line 117, in pt_render
- Warning: Macro expansion failed
- Warning: exceptions.KeyError: 'macro'
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 271, in __call__
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 346, in interpret
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 891, in do_useMacro
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 346, in interpret
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 536, in do_optTag_tal
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 521, in do_optTag
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 516, in no_tag
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 346, in interpret
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 536, in do_optTag_tal
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 525, in do_optTag
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 346, in interpret
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 957, in do_defineSlot
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 346, in interpret
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 536, in do_optTag_tal
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 521, in do_optTag
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 516, in no_tag
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 346, in interpret
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 861, in do_defineMacro
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 346, in interpret
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 957, in do_defineSlot
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 346, in interpret
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 536, in do_optTag_tal
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 521, in do_optTag
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 516, in no_tag
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 346, in interpret
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 536, in do_optTag_tal
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 525, in do_optTag
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 346, in interpret
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 949, in do_defineSlot
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 346, in interpret
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 536, in do_optTag_tal
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 521, in do_optTag
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 516, in no_tag
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 346, in interpret
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 861, in do_defineMacro
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 346, in interpret
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 536, in do_optTag_tal
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 521, in do_optTag
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 516, in no_tag
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 346, in interpret
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 891, in do_useMacro
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 346, in interpret
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 536, in do_optTag_tal
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 521, in do_optTag
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 516, in no_tag
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 346, in interpret
Module zope.tal.talinterpreter, line 870, in do_useMacro
Module zope.tales.tales, line 696, in evaluate
- URL: file:/Users/danny/projects/schwa/2.1.0a/trunk/eggs/Products.Archetypes-1.5.10-py2.4.egg/Products/Archetypes/skins/archetypes/base.pt
- Line 22, Column 10
- Expression: <PathExpr standard:u'here/kss_generic_macros/macros/generic_title_view'>
- Names:
{'container': <PloneSite at /msrd>,
'context': <Humanatorquestion at /msrd/humanator-folder/what-is-six-plus-3>,
'default': <object object at 0x1bf528>,
'here': <Humanatorquestion at /msrd/humanator-folder/what-is-six-plus-3>,
'loop': {},
'nothing': None,
'options': {'args': ()},
'repeat': <Products.PageTemplates.Expressions.SafeMapping object at 0x9ea75f8>,
'request': <HTTPRequest, URL=https://nasascience.on.my.mac/humanator-folder/what-is-six-plus-3/base_view>,
'root': <Application at >,
'template': <FSPageTemplate at /msrd/base_view used for /msrd/humanator-folder/what-is-six-plus-3>,
'traverse_subpath': [],
'user': <PloneUser 'admin'>}
Module zope.tales.expressions, line 217, in __call__
Module Products.PageTemplates.Expressions, line 155, in _eval
Module zope.tales.expressions, line 124, in _eval
Module Products.PageTemplates.Expressions, line 82, in boboAwareZopeTraverse
Module OFS.Traversable, line 301, in restrictedTraverse
Module OFS.Traversable, line 269, in unrestrictedTraverse
- __traceback_info__: ([], 'kss_generic_macros')
AttributeError: kss_generic_macros