




I use git svn to track a SVN repo. When I try to do a git svn rebase I am getting this error:

Incomplete data: Delta source ended unexpectedly

This is a large repo, with a long history. Just fetching the original single revision took almost 90mins, so I don't want to reclone.

Are there any ways to track down which file is causing the error, or any solution to this problem?

+1  A: 

This could be similar to SO question "git svn rebase: Incomplete data: Delta source ended unexpectedly", in that it may be linked to the autocrlf option.

This thread on git mailing list discusses this issue at length last year in 2008. At the time, the user tried:

To fix this situation I take full file content from SVN as next revision. This is dump and slow but it works.

What version of Git (or msysGit) are you using? It seems to be a known issue, and I am not sure it has been conclusively fixed.
But first, are you doing some CRLF conversions during your svn to git imports?

Thanks, setting the autocrlf to false and then a fresh checkout solved the problem.