I have a directory full of images that I would like to resize to around 60% of their original size.
How would I go about doing this? Can be in either Python or Perl
I have a directory full of images that I would like to resize to around 60% of their original size.
How would I go about doing this? Can be in either Python or Perl
I use Python with PIL (Python Image Library). Of course there are specialized programs to do this.
Many people use PIL to such things. Look at: Quick image resizing with python
PIL is very powerful and recently I have found this recipe: Putting watermark to images in batch
Use PerlMagick, it's an interface to the popular ImageMagick suite of command line tools to do just this kind of stuff. PythonMagic is available as well.
do you need to just resize it or you want to resize programmatically? If just resize use PixResizer. http://bluefive.pair.com/pixresizer.htm
How about using mogrify, part of ImageMagick? If you really need to control this from Perl, then you could use Image::Magick, Image::Resize or Imager.
Can it be in shell?
mkdir resized
for a in *.jpg; do convert "$a" -resize 60% resized/"$a"; done
If you have > 1 core, you can do it like this:
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.jpg' -print0 | xargs -0 -P3 -I XXX convert XXX -resize 60% resized/XXX
-P3 means that you want to resize up to 3 images at the same time (parallelization).
If you don't need to keep originals you can use mogrify, but I prefer to use convert, and then rm ...; mv ... - just to be on safe side if resizing would (for whatever reason) fail.
If you want to do it programatically, which I assume is the case, use PIL to resize e.g.
newIm = im.resize((newW, newH)
then save it to same file or a new location.
Go through the folder recursively and apply resize function to all images.
I have come up with a sample script which I think will work for you. You can improve on it: Maybe make it graphical, add more options e.g. same extension or may be all png, resize sampling linear/bilinear etc
import os
import sys
from PIL import Image
def resize(folder, fileName, factor):
filePath = os.path.join(folder, fileName)
im = Image.open(filePath)
w, h = im.size
newIm = im.resize((int(w*factor), int(h*factor)))
# i am saving a copy, you can overrider orginal, or save to other folder
def bulkResize(imageFolder, factor):
imgExts = ["png", "bmp", "jpg"]
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(imageFolder):
for fileName in files:
ext = fileName[-3:].lower()
if ext not in imgExts:
resize(path, fileName, factor)
if __name__ == "__main__":
imageFolder=sys.argv[1] # first arg is path to image folder
resizeFactor=float(sys.argv[2])/100.0# 2nd is resize in %
bulkResize(imageFolder, resizeFactor)