I'm wondering if there is a way I can send a NULL or DBNull.Value from my C# data service to a stored proc through some configuration xml parameter.
In the proc, I want to pull some values out of the xml as a bit but because the UI allows for a third state, the bit value coming in from the xml can be NULL in which case I want to ignore any SQL updates for that field.
XElement xml = new XElement("XML");
xml.Add(new XElement("SomeConfigValue", NULL));
It seems when I throw a NULL into the xml from the C#, it defaults to a node with no value.
<SomeConfigValue />
When I try to grab the value from the xml as a bit in the SQL the value is interpreted as a 0.
select isnull(@Configuration.value('/Configuration[1]/SomeConfigValue [1]', 'bit'), NULL)
That's all fine and good. It makes sense. I'm just curious if anyone can suggest ideas from which I can get this to work the way I'd like it to. Perhaps I can't rely on the SQL bit type but I am currently re-factoring to be strongly typed.
I'd like to be able to grab a NULL if the value coming in isn't a 1 or 0.
set @SomeConfigValue = isnull(@Configuration.value('/Configuration[1]/SomeConfigValue [1]', 'bit'), NULL)
The goal is to ignore updating that value if it is NULL, or not a 1 or 0 in this specific SQL bit type case.
update MyTable
set ConfigValue =
when @SomeConfigValue IS NULL then T.SomeConfigValue
else @SomeConfigValue
end from SomeTable T