




Hello all,

Lets say I have one table called "REVIEWS"

This table has Reviews that customers have written for various products.

I would like to be able to get a "count" for all the reviews that each customer has written, so i write:

SELECT count(*) AS counter
FROM reviews 
WHERE customers_id = 12345

Now, my problem is that I wish to have a count like above BUT only for customers who have written a SPECIFIC product review

For instance,

SELECT customers_review
FROM reviews
products_id = '170'

In summary, I wish to be able to get the customers TOTAL COUNT for every review they have written, but ONLY for customers who have written a review for a specific product.

Thank you very much for your help.

+8  A: 
select customers_id, count(*)
from reviews
where customers_id in 
(select customers_id from reviews where products_id = '170')
group by customers_id;
Carl Manaster
+1 for being faster on the draw.
exists is going to be faster than in
Nathan Feger
Carl, thanks for your suggestion but as a side note, this query you suggested to me (as well as the EXISTS variation) takes quite a bit of time 8 - 14 seconds to query on my MYSQL site, do you think there is any possibility of optimizing this to make it faster? thanks...
Sebastian, if reviews has an index on customers_id, I think this is about as fast as it can be; I don't think IN versus EXISTS is likely to make a difference. If reviews doesn't have an index, of course, add one.
Carl Manaster
+1  A: 

Just add to the end of your first query

SELECT 1 FROM reviews AS r 
WHERE r.customers_id = reviews.customers_id 
    AND product_id = '170')
GROUP BY reviews.customers_id
le dorfier
+1  A: 

I might be able to help you out, but it would be helpful if I knew the structure of the tables you are trying to query.

That's not an answer, that's a comment and should have been put in the comments section.
just add a comment to ask for clarification.
Nathan Feger
Don't you need 50 rep to comment?
John Rasch
True (50+ rep). Before I achieved that milestone, I did this too--but I also wrote that I'd comment if I could, and nobody gave me grief. In fact, the vote that put me over the line was on a "comment as answer", and came with the comment that "Now you can comment..."
+3  A: 
SELECT customers_id, COUNT(*) AS counter
FROM reviews 
WHERE customers_id IN(
SELECT customers_id
FROM reviews
products_id = '170'
GROUP BY customers_id

This will pull any customer who wrote about product X, and then count up total number of reviews they posted.

Ian Jacobs
Damn you 27 second difference, this is almost word for word! LOL
+1 for giving the Count(*) an alias
+1  A: 
Select customer_ID, Count(*)
FROM reviews
WHERE customer_ID in ( Select Customer_ID from reviews where products_id = '170')
Group By customer_ID

This should give you a list of all CustomerID's along with the Count of all their reviews, but it will limit it only to the customers who have left a review for product 170.

S'okay we were both beat :-)
Ian Jacobs
Ian: I voted up both answers that were identical but faster than me :P

Not disagreeing with the approaches in this thread. But I think windowing/analytic SQL offer another way of looking at this problem. You can get the counts:

  • Count of Reviews by Customer on this detail row
  • Count of Reviews By product on this detail row
  • Count of Reviews by this customer on this product on this detail row
  • Any details (the text of the review, the review ID etc...)

SQL Statement

 COUNT (*) OVER (PARTITION BY custid) ByCust,
 COUNT (*) OVER (PARTITION BY prodid) ByProd,
 COUNT (*) OVER (PARTITION BY prodid, custid) ByCustProd

FROM customer_reviews
ORDER BY custid, prodid


1520  106  1900 16  604 3
4650  106  1900 16  604 3
2730  106  1900 16  604 3
4640  106  3900 16  254 1
6287  110  1900 28  604 2
5849  110  1900 28  604 2
5965  110  3900 28  254 2
6117  110  3900 28  254 2