Hope you can help me or at least point me in the right direction.
I am designing on Flex Builder 3 Professional on a MAC OS X 10.5.7 (leopard), Adobe Flash 8 Professional; testing OS include Windows XP SP3 box with no issues when deployed to server.
For a look at what I want to do please visit my site at: stevenjsteele.com, click on the "Designer" button in the navigation bar at top, click on the "watch flash video link" in the center flash video designer panel.
As it stands now when I use a page button to click away from this panel's viewstack the video continues to play.
What I want is to click on the "return to designer page" button and stop the swf from playing.
I am using a purchased ActionScript/javascript 2 FLV player component that uses an XML playlist to load FLV files into a SWFLoader control into a SWFObject.
Any help is appreciated.