Goal: Allow the user to delete a record by dragging a row from an AdvancedDataGrid, dropping it onto a trash-can icon and verify the user meant to do that via a popup alert with "OK" and "Cancel" buttons.
What is working:
- Dragging/Dropping a row onto the trash icon.
- If the user clicks the "OK" button, the record is deleted.
- If the user clicks the "Cancel" button, the operation is canceled.
Problem: After the user clicks the "Cancel" button and the popup alert closes, no rows in the ADG can be dragged. I've discovered that after sorting the ADG, by clicking on a column header, the user can begin dragging rows again.
Code: (changed from original post)
<mx:Image source="{trashImage}" buttonMode="true"
toolTip="drag a participant here to delete them from the project"
dragDrop="deleteParticipantDrop(event)" dragEnter="deleteParticipantEnter(event)"
dragExit="deleteParticipantDragExit(event)" top="4" right="122" id="image2" />
// trashImage Event Handlers:
private function deleteParticipantEnter(event:DragEvent):void
var component:IUIComponent = IUIComponent(event.currentTarget);
dragComponent = component;
deleteParticipantDragEvent = event;
private function deleteParticipantDrop(event:DragEvent):void
var selectedKitNum:String = memberRpt.selectedItem.KitNum;
var selectedName:String = memberRpt.selectedItem.ParticipantName;
var component:IUIComponent = IUIComponent(event.currentTarget);
dragComponent = component;
isEditingParticipantInfo = false;
isDeletingParticipant = true;
deleteParticipantDropEvent = event;
event.stopImmediatePropagation(); // Added as per mrm
alert.confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this participant, Kit #" + memberRpt.selectedItem.KitNum + " (" +
memberRpt.selectedItem.ParticipantName + ") from the project? This cannot be reversed!! An email will be " +
"sent to notify this participant and you will receive a copy of it for your records.", confirmRemoveParticipant);
private function deleteParticipantDragExit(event:DragEvent):void
var component:IUIComponent = IUIComponent(event.currentTarget);
dragComponent = component;
private function confirmRemoveParticipant(event:CloseEvent):void
if (event.detail == Alert.YES)
deleteReason = DeleteParticipantTitleWindow(PopUpManager.createPopUp( this, DeleteParticipantTitleWindow , true));
dispatchEvent(deleteParticipantDropEvent); // Added as per mrm
deleteReason.showCloseButton = true;
deleteReason.title = "Reason for removal from project";
deleteReason.addEventListener("close", cleanupRemoveParticipant);
deleteReason["cancelButton"].addEventListener("click", cleanupRemoveParticipant);
deleteReason["okButton"].addEventListener("click", finalizeDeleteParticipant);
isDeletingParticipant = false;
private function cleanupRemoveParticipant(event:Event = null):void
if (deleteReason != null)
deleteReason = null;
public function finalizeDeleteParticipant(event:Event):void
if (deleteReason.reason.text != null)
selectedReportItem = memberRpt.selectedItem;
selectedReportItemIndex = memberRpt.selectedIndex;
alert.info("You must provide a reason for removing a participant from your project!!");
Thanks in advance for all helpful suggestions.