I have this game where balloons are coming from bottom and player has to pop them by tapping before: Time runs out
10 balloons leave screen unpopped e.g. game over.
Every level is same , only thing changes is number of balloons.
For this i have the following view controllers:
MainLevelVC: The first one, to which the BaloonPopViewController connects when user selects to play game.
LevelIntroVC: This shows an intro screen for 2 seconds for each level, basically an image is loaded based on level count e.f. 1.png, 2.png etc
LevelOutroVC: similar as before but shows an outro screen. 1_outro.png etc
LevelPlayVC: This is where game logic is actually implemented. a link to Main menu (Play, high scores, etc) exists here.
I have done it for one level, there are global variables (basically implemented via a singleton) in MainLevelVC that define max number of balloons allowed to leave screen unpopped (leftBalloons) and number of balloons in the next level (balloonCount). At the end of every level i have to increment the LevelCount global variable as well to facilitate the Level*troVC to do their task easily.
What i am confused about is how to proceed at the end of every level? after i show the LevelOutro for that level increment/decrement any values that i must, how can i reconnect back to LevelIntroVC to start next level?