I'm writing a simple program. There is only one class in it. There is a private member 'char * number' and two function (there will be more, but first these should work correctly :) ).
The first one should copy the 'source' into 'number' variable (and I suppose somewhere here is the problem):
LongNumber::LongNumber(const char * source ){
int digits = strlen(source);
char* number = new char[digits+1];
strcpy( number, source );
// cout<<number<<endl; - if the line is uncommented,
// the output is correct and there isn't a problem
And a print function:
void LongNumber::print(){
// when I try to print with the same line of code here..it crashes
Sure, I'm missing something...but what?
(As this is my first post...do you think the tags are corrected..how would you tagged the post?)
Thank you in advance :)