Hi all - first post, so play nice!
I have a fairly basic question about Python dictionaries. I would like to have some dict value that updates when another variable is changed (or at least recalculated when it is next called) - eg:
mass = 1.0
volume = 0.5
mydict = {'mass':mass,'volume':volume}
mydict['density'] = mydict['mass']/mydict['volume']
So in this case, mydict['density'] just returns 2.0. If I change mydict['mass'] = 2.0, the density will not be updated. Fine - I can kind of understand why - the density is defined by the values when they were passed to the declaration. So I thought maybe I could approach this with a lambda expression, eg (apologies for the horrid code!):
mydict['density_calc'] = lambda x,y: x/y
mydict['density'] = mydict['density_calc'](mydict['mass'],mydict['volume'])
But again, this only returns the original density, despite changing mydict['mass']. As a final attempt, I tried this:
def density(mass,volume): return mass/volume
mydict['density_calc'] = lambda x,y: density(x,y)
mydict['density'] = mydict['density_calc'](mydict['mass'],mydict['volume'])
Again, no dice. This seems like a really simple problem to solve, so apologies in advance, but if anyone could help me out, I'd be very appreciative!