Is there a table of how much "work" it takes to execute a given function in PHP? I'm not a compsci major, so I don't have maybe the formal background to know that "oh yeah, strings take longer to work with than integers" or anything like that. Are all steps/lines in a program created equal? I just don't even know where to start researching this.
I'm currently doing some Project Euler questions where I'm very sure my answer will work, but I'm timing out my local Apache server at a minute with my requests (and PE has said that all problems can be solved < 1 minute). I don't know how/where to start optimizing, so knowing more about PHP and how it uses memory would be useful. For what it's worth, here's my code for question 206:
$start = time();
for ($i=1010374999; $i < 1421374999; $i++) {
$a = number_format(pow($i,2),0,".","");
$c = preg_split('//', $a, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
if ($c[0]==1) {
if ($c[2]==2) {
if ($c[4]==3) {
if ($c[6]==4) {
if ($c[8]==5) {
if ($c[10]==6) {
if ($c[12]==7) {
if ($c[14]==8) {
if ($c[16]==9) {
if ($c[18]==0) {
echo $i;
$end = time();
$elapsed = ($end-$start);
echo "<br />The time to calculate was $elapsed seconds";
If this is a wiki question about optimization, just let me know and I'll move it. Again, not looking for an answer, just help on where to learn about being efficient in my coding (although cursory hints wouldn't be flat out rejected, and I realize there are probably more elegant mathematical ways to set up the problem)