



I'm planning on using Apache torque as my object-relational mapper (ORM), and I was wondering if anybody has any suggestions around what framework to use for presentation layer with torque. maybe Spring?

I don't know if this helps, but my application is basically going to be bunch of forms to input data and based on that data, I'll generate reports in form of a graph or chart.

+1  A: 

If your application is web-based then CSS/XHTML/JQuery & Spring MVC has always worked out great for me, otherwise, if it's thick-client, Swing.

Incidentally, if you get you 'separation-of-concerns' right your choice of ORM should have no impact what presentation layer you use.

I'd also advise using Hibernate rather than Torque, it is, from my perspective at least, practically a defacto standard nowadays, which translates into many more production hours and a lot of people to help when you run into issues.

Nick Holt

Turbine is a servlet framework that integrates with Torque (Torque was originally part of Turbine). It can use either Velocity or JSP as its presentation layer.


If you are doing charts and want them to be interactive, often combining Jersey/REST with Flex and/or jQuery charting libs (sparklines are cool) charts works well. As previously mentioned, Spring MVC is good, as is Struts 2 for flat pages.


I second Mark's answer. We use Torque with Turbin/Velocity/Dojo

David Zhao