



I'm trying to use Apache 2.2 and mod_fastcgi.dll on Windows to test a FastCGI appliction I'm making. I've added this to httpd.conf:

LoadModule fastcgi_module modules/mod_fastcgi.dll
FastCgiExternalServer "C:\test\fcgitest.exe" -socket fcgitest
<Location /fcgitest>
    SetHandler fastcgi-script

I'm using FastCgiExternalServer (and not FastCgiServer) because I want to have my application running in the debugger to see what happens when data comes in over the named pipe. I assume the path of the named pipe is "\\.pipe\FastCGI\fcgitest" but I haven't got anything connecting to this pipe yet.

If I test "http://localhost:8080/fcgitest/", I get a 404 and the error.log states:

[error] [client] (OS 2)The system cannot find the file specified.  : FastCGI: stat() of "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs/fcgitest" failed

even if I create the directory. What am I doing wrong?