If you want to make it appear there are more orders than there really are, just pick an arbitrarily large id number to start with. But then, if it were me, I'd just set the increment to 1. To keep users from guessing order numbers, obfuscating the number might not be the best way to go.
If I'm user 123, and I place an order, number 4567, let's say the url to view the order looks like:
Say I'm feeling mischievous and decide to start playing with that url. What if I try:
If there's no order 5000 yet, what will it display? What about something as simple as "Invalid order id". But then, say I try:
And that order does exist, should it display the order? It could check the id of the user that created the order, and unless it's me (good old user #123), display the same error message, "Invalid order id". That could make it impossible for a user to tell whether any given order id exists unless they created the order themselves.