



I am writing a WiX-based installer for our software. I need to download some non-trivial dependencies (like Sql Server Express 2008), then install them.

I could just use wget, but having the console open to show progress could be very confusing for non-technical people. Instead, I have been looking for a program that works just like wget, but shows its progress in a very simple window with the name of the file and the progress.

If I could show a small message that would be fantastic, but just having the GUI progress is the main thing.

I would even be interested in an existing program that almost does this, which I could recompile to add whatever I need. Since this is in an installer, it can't depend on .Net or anything else that needs installing to work.

Is anyone aware of such a program?

+1  A: 

Why not to get wget sources and remove console output from there?

Kirill V. Lyadvinsky
Better yet, why not use libcurl and write your own UI. I've looked around and as far as I can tell, no one's bothered to publish such a simple program. All existing download managers are way over complicated for your needs.
@scvalex, I was thinking I may need to do just that. I was hoping to avoid it.
@jia3ep, I don't want a silent download. I want the user to know what is happening. I just don't want it in a console window, since non-technical users will likely be confused by it.
@Christopher, I don't think that adding some progress bar to wget is a big challenge. There is a `progress.c` file. Just make own implementation of functions in that file.
Kirill V. Lyadvinsky
@jia3ep, compiling wget from source on windows is not trivial. In addition, Windows would want to take over the control loop and initialization. I know it *could* be done, but it's not that simple. libcurl is a much better option for the roll-your-own route.

Since I did not find such a program, I wrote one. I used the latest libcurl available for Windows.

The code is not beautiful, and the program is not feature-complete, but it does what I need it to do: download from http:// while displaying a simple, attractive Window.

The titlebar is customizeable on the command-line, and I intend to allow window positioning too.

The project is hosted on google code:
