



I just deployed a Hudson server and configured it to checkout, build and deploy to a testing http server.

Now I want more =)

I have some Selenium RC tests wrtten in C#/.Net, using the MbUnit infrastructure, that runs ok on Gallio Icarus.

How to setup Hudson to run these tests? Our is in a Windows 2003 server.

I was thinking about just setting a batch script that runs the tests. But how to run them in CLI? Is there a CLI test runner that could run our tests?

+1  A: 

Hah! Just found out.

I have to run:

Gallio\bin\Gallio.Echo.exe path\MyTestAssemlby.dll

When Google fails you, try searching your own PC =)


If you prefer NAnt, MSBuild or PowerShell you can use those too...

Jeff Brown
Our project uses .Net 3.5 framework. Does NAnt works? How do I use MSBuild or Powershell to run our tests via console?
Yes this should all work with .Net 3.5. Current nightly builds also work with .Net 4.0 if you were so inclined.For use from the console, I recommend sticking with Gallio.Echo.exe unless you want to integrate Gallio into existing NAnt, MSBuild or PowerShell scripts that you have written. In each of those cases it's just a matter of asking the host tool (NAnt, etc.) to load up the tasks or cmdlets provided by Gallio.
Jeff Brown