




How can I remove those annoying Mac OS X .DS_Store files from a Git repository?


This will work:

find . -name *.DS_Store -type f -exec git-rm {} \;
John Topley
The asterisk should not be in there.
Aristotle Pagaltzis
+5  A: 

delete them using git-rm, and then add .DS_Store to .gitignore to stop them getting added again. You can also use blueharvest to stop them getting created all together

Nathan Reed
BlueHarvest: http://www.zeroonetwenty.com/blueharvest/
Pat Notz
+17  A: 

Remove existing files from the repository:

find . -name .DS_Store -print0 | xargs -0 git-rm

Add the line


to the file .gitignore, which can be found at the top level of your repository (or created if it isn't there already). Then

git add .gitignore
git commit -m ".DS_Store banished!"
You could also use the exec option to findfind . -name .DS_Store -exec git-rm {} \;It would be one less command.
It's really trivial, but using `-exec` will launch `git-rm` once for every .DS_Store file, while `xargs` will put all the paths on one command line. Mostly I prefer `xargs` because I don't have to worry about escaping a lot of special characters.
This should use .git/info/exclude, not .gitignore. See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1753070/git-ignore-files-only-locally/1753078#1753078 for an explanation of the difference between the two.
Andrew Grimm
@Andrew: I don't agree. It would never be useful for a .DS_Store file to be checked in, so it makes more sense as a repository-wide, all-users setting, rather than something each Mac user needs to remember to set on her own machine.
+9  A: 

In some situations you may also want to ignore some files globally. For me, .DS_Store is one of them. Here's how:

git config --global core.excludesfile = /Users/mat/.gitignore

(Or any file of your choice)

Then edit the file just like a repo's .gitignore. Note that I think you have to use an absolute path.


I found that the following line from snipplr does best on wiping all .DS_Store, including one that has local modifications.

find . -depth -name '.DS_Store' -exec git-rm --cached '{}' \; -print

--cached option, keeps your local .DS_Store since it gonna be reproduced anyway.

And just like mentioned all above, add .DS_Store to .gitignore file on the root of your project. Then it will be no longer in your sight (of repos).


I had to change git-rm to git rm in the above to get it to work:

find . -depth -name '.DS_Store' -exec git rm --cached '{}' \; -print

David Kahn